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yu2fa3 - 2014-11-29

I have friends who would give their right arms to have their littluns sleep through like that!

Bit worrying about the liquids though! Hope she gets a taste for it soon :)

And you're right, it doesn't matter how much you earn, how much they earn, what you do for a living or where you're from, treating another person with decency and respect is all that matters. Those that think people are commodities that can be bought and sold or categorise by how much is in their bank account have missed the point entirely. Your little angel is living proof you haven't. Congrats :)

Thanks. I posted her picture to prove him wrong. Also for another reason. Why will he think it justified to treat that same, Esther, so badly some years down the line!? If not badly, with no consideration at all. Her will provide a thuggish 'We all have choices!" Well we don't all have choices. Most of the girls he wants to beef for cash come from bad or broken homes; and many of them suffer from mental afflictions.

I took her to the phlebotomist to arrange her travel vaccinations yesterday- but they will lump them all in together with her year-old jabs just before we leave in Feb. As she is also a qualified nurse I questioned her about Esther's refusal to drink. She said it wasn't unusual; it's one of the few things they can take control over themselves and she'll drink if she's thirsty.

Messages In This Thread
You've either got wot ot takes..... -- yu2fa3 -- 2014-11-25
Re You've either got wot ot takes..... -- Beth -- 2014-11-27
Re You've either got wot ot takes..... -- yu2fa3 -- 2014-11-27
Re You've either got wot ot takes..... -- Beth -- 2014-11-27
Re You've either got wot ot takes..... -- yu2fa3 -- 2014-11-29
Re: Re You've either got wot ot takes..... -- BeenThere -- 2014-11-27
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