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Rheno747 - 2006-04-12
In response to DELTA ESOL EXAM - Teachers discussion (Sareena)

Those teachers are good in their own way. I remember several teachers back in my high school days who could bore a sloth. But they taught me some valuable lessons.

One lesson was that sometimes we have to endure boring things to get where we want to go. It's almost if the universe has set a cruel 'boring' tax for us all to pay. It seems we each have to be bored a certain amount in life one way or another. We are doomed to at least some boredom and can't escape it.

Another lesson I learned from my 'boring' teachers, one even more important than the above, served me well in college later. I learned that if a teacher is getting in the way of my learning, that won't stop me. If I want to learn something, I can go through the teacher, around him, over him, under him, whatever. A teacher will not stop me.

Thai students need to learn these two lessons desperately.

Messages In This Thread
Cambridge DELTA exam - ESL discussion -- Carrie -- 2005-05-05
DELTA Qualification - Teachers Discussion -- Linda -- 2007-05-16
Re: DELTA Qualification - Teachers Discussion -- Susan Farley -- 2007-11-13
DELTA ESOL EXAM - Teachers discussion -- Sareena -- 2006-04-11
Re DELTA exam - Teachers Discussion -- Emily -- 2006-05-07
Those teachers are good in their own way - Teachers discussion -- Rheno747 -- 2006-04-12
Boring teachers or Boring Students? - Teachers discussion -- Yingwen Laoshi -- 2006-04-13
re: Boring students or boring teachers - Teachers discussion -- frank andrews -- 2006-04-14
Boring students or boring teachers - Teachers discussion -- Zoltan -- 2006-04-14
Zoltan's right - Teachers discussion -- frank andrews -- 2006-04-15
re: good in their own way - Teachers discussion -- frank andrews -- 2006-04-12
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