Beth - 2014-12-03
In response to Re Vietnam (Sludge)

I am sorry, but yes men are the provider....sorry, but marriage is pragmatic, you can't get married and live in mums spare room now, can you?

So all women live in their mother's spare rooms until they get married?! What utter nonsense!

Clearly you know very little about women.

But then we've come to expect that level of uniformed misogyny from you SM/CT/Sludge. Do us all a favour and crawl back under your rock.

Messages In This Thread
Re Vietnam -- Sludge -- 2014-12-02
Re Vietnam -- Beth -- 2014-12-02
Re Vietnam -- Sludge -- 2014-12-03
Re Vietnam -- Beth -- 2014-12-03
Re Vietnam -- Sludge -- 2014-12-04

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