Beth - 2014-12-08
In response to Re TPR (Steven Forsyth)

You take issue with point 4, do you?

And you're not talking about Turnoi, so you're talking about either San Migs or Silverboy as they are the only other two I mentioned.

So, let's see whose 'good name' you think I'm muddying...

Silverboy: Asks for tips on prices and services offered of Vietnamese prostitutes and believes all Chinese women are after his money. Spent several years maintaining that it was OK for a teacher to have sexual relationships with their students. Believes his students only require 2 oral English exams per academic year, compiled and administered by himself to judge their level of English. Has agreed that writing one lesson plan for 16 classes is acceptable, and that spending as little time planning as possible is acceptable. Perhaps because all he teaches is conversational English to students, with maybe a little grammar "like anagrams" thrown in. His reason for teaching is to keep his visa current so he can continue taking advantage of the ready availability of Asian prostitutes.

San Migs: Banned from the board for his extreme misogynistic views. Has said that doing as little as possible for his students is all they deserve and that they should be seen and not heard. That he only likes teaching female students and he likes to groom them for their numbers so he can start sexual relationships with them. He shows videos just to start a discussion (pure timewasting tactic), thereby cheating his students out of time they could be using to actually learn something. Said he writes one lesson plan to cover multiple classes, not to be efficient but to maximise his own free time (" why should I be stuck in an office writing lesson plans when I could be out drinking cheap beer?") and has also said that turning up to teach whilst still drunk or very hungover is acceptable so long as you have breath mints.

No, I don't need to muddy their names, they do a good enough job all by themselves! Also how can you claim either of these people to have 'impeccable morals and character'? Unless you are using Turnoi's dictionary or alternative definitions?!

And the only 'agenda' I have is that I want to offer balance to the board, I'm tired of Turnoi's troll troupe dominating the board with thier unhelpful and ignorant rhetoric. Their discussions about services offered by different prostitutes and their lackadaisical attitude towards teaching and caring more about getting in to their students pants than they do about their education.

I'm tired of them talking about areas of teaching that they have absolutely no experience of or knowledge about as if they were some kind of authority on the subject.

So no, no agenda... I will continue to post consistently about the topics I know they are denigrating unduly. I will continue to post consistently the knowledge I have regarding ESL teaching. I have always said the same thing when it comes to my experience, qualifications and methodological approaches to both teaching and continued professional development. I am not the one whose experience and degree and current whereabouts changes depending on the current thread!

Messages In This Thread
Re TPR -- Beth -- 2014-12-07
Re TPR -- Steven Forsyth -- 2014-12-08
Re TPR -- Sludge -- 2014-12-08
Re: Re TPR -- Fifi -- 2014-12-08
Re: Re TPR -- yu2fa3 -- 2014-12-08
Re TPR -- yu2fa3 -- 2014-12-08
Re TPR -- Beth -- 2014-12-08
Re TPR -- Steven Forsyth -- 2014-12-09
Re TPR -- Beth -- 2014-12-09

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