Sludge - 2014-12-09
In response to Re TPR (Beth)

If I may respond? And I will try to be as polite as possible.

It's fine to not like teaching kids, it is not fine however to mock and cast aspersions about the methodologies used to teach YL classes when you have zero experience of teaching those classes.

Agreed. It's fine to not like teaching kids. And by admitting I do not, I am at least being honest, and leaving more work for those FT's who do enjoy it and want to do it. The youngest age I prefer to teach is 15/16 and upwards, so that would be middle school in China being the lowest level, Chinese college/university students the highest (and preferred) level. Who said I have zero experience? Tried it, didn't like it, and moved on.

Not that I've ever said everyone should teach YL classes and only FTs that do are real teachers... That's something you've cooked up yourself

Fair enough, I will let the "real teachers" argument go. Satisfied?

The difference between tourist-teachers like you and real teachers like me is that I teach because it is my vocation,

This term you have coined, "tourist teacher", I honestly do not believe there is such a thing. If someone is a peado or sexpat, they certainly would not need to teach english to do so. If you are rich, a printed business card, travel intinerary and visa fee will get you a business visa for 6 or 12 months in China in Hong Kong, which gives you enough time to seek out whores/younger chinese girls, and no, that is not from experience, just stating some facts. I never molested or tried to have sex with my students, and yes, I prefer female students for the reasons they are simply more hard working.If they want to date me after they are my student, that is their choice, not yours. Whoever said TEFL was a VOCATION!!! A very strange thing to say......

it's a career I chose because I love teaching

That is noble. I see no ships.

and as such I have trained and continue to take part in further professional development to continue doing the best for my students.

As have I.Do you know of and understand the rassias method?

You do one lesson plan for 16 classes because that's "all my students deserve"

Prove that statement, you cannot. And even so, what's wrong with teaching high school, all the same level, the same well planned lesson, for 16 periods a week?

That's the difference, not what age group you teach.

What's different? The lesson planning or the methodology involved, quite lost here.

I have 3 sets of course books sitting on my desk, a pre-int YL text book and two adult texts for FCE and CAE. I'm spending my day forward planning those classes for the easter term to ensure I'm covering the necessary elements throughout next term so they are prepared for the exam they will sit next June. That is what a real teacher does, not short change their students because they want to maximize their own free time.

These training centres like to make up fancy acronyms like those you mentioned. Forward planning for easter? That is not necessary, even in the gulf states!!!! I think you like to make too much work for yourself methinks.

To you teaching is a means to an end,

So what if it is? You don't think it is to Chinese teachers? Everyone needs to eat.

that end being your continued employment in a country where you have ready access to naive and impressionable girls for you to add to your collection of notches. I teach because I love teaching and care about my students.

Untrue on all claims. I prefer women over 30 so that puts "girls" out of the picture. I teach because I love teaching, esp. in China, not so much in Oman, but even in Oman I had my enjoyable moments, when a blind boy of descent from mozambique thanked me for teaching and bought me tea, and a father of one of my students invited me to his home, and thanked me for coming to Oman and helping his people out. to say I do not care is very heartless of you. I do, and you do not know me!

Either way, this is going to be my last post for a while, I need to plan somethings for my future and christmas is coming up. I wish you, and everyone else on here, one and all, happy holidays and a merry christmas.

I will repost again in the new year sometime, until then, zai jian, bye bye.

Messages In This Thread
Re TPR -- Sludge -- 2014-12-07
Re TPR -- Beth -- 2014-12-07
Re TPR -- Sludge -- 2014-12-07
Re TPR -- AnotherEXEFDLteacher -- 2014-12-07
Re TPR -- Beth -- 2014-12-07
Re TPR -- Sludge -- 2014-12-09
Re TPR -- Beth -- 2014-12-09
Re TPR -- Sludge -- 2014-12-14
Re TPR -- Beth -- 2014-12-14
Re TPR -- Sludge -- 2014-12-15
Re TPR -- yu2fa3 -- 2014-12-09
Re TPR -- Sludge -- 2014-12-14

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