Steven Forsyth - 2014-12-09
In response to Re TPR (Beth)

Once again, you sound like the politician whose fortunes are fading. You evaded the question, similar to a desperate politicians tactic.

Silverboy has stated more than once that he designs his lessons plans according to the needs of his individual students and different classes. For you to say that he just uses the same lesson plans over and over is wrong, and an untruth. You have no evidence to prove this. I also doubt you have any evidence in regard to your anagram statement either. An experienced teacher with a degree in linguistics and also one in fashion would not make a mistake of saying anagrams are a form of grammar.

Another untruth you have told is that Silverboy advocates it is ok for a teacher to sleep with students. I have never seen any evidence to prove this. He has said it is ok for teachers and students to have sexual relationships, but that teachers should not sleep with their own students. He was very clear in regard to that. Also, he stated that it is better for an FT to look for a student GF from a university other than their own, or to wait till one of their own students graduates.

In regard to prostitution, basically none of your business. What a teacher does in their spare time should be of no concern to you, unless it affects their teaching. I hardly think FT's using prostitutes sometimes will have any effect on their teaching ability.

As for your assertion about SB "teaching for a visa" , you would not know, and once again, you don't even know where he is or if he is still teaching.

If someone wants to protect their financial assets from greedy Chinese women, I see no problem with that. To me, that is smart. I would do the same thing. Strange you would see that as being a fault.

I think posters on here are just jealous of Turnoi and Silverboy. They have money, the other posters don't. Silverboy was a model and a stylist, another reason for jealosy imo. SB was a star teacher at leading universities in Guangxi and Hubei, you were not. He was much loved by students and is famous in ESL. The cultural sensitivity he shows is truly outstanding.

I put it to you that what you have written about SB and also SM is slander, it is a form of defamation, and if we were back in England I am sure you would be sued.

SB in particular ha been a great warrior for his cause. He has damaged the businesses of corrupt Chinese businessman, they have lost money, teachers and also students because of him. And what do we get from the likes of you? Not even a THANK YOU! Talk about ungrateful!

You should thing twice before slandering these great men of ESL. Once again, outstanding statesmen of ESL, they are an inspiration to others.

Messages In This Thread
Re TPR -- Beth -- 2014-12-07
Re TPR -- Steven Forsyth -- 2014-12-08
Re TPR -- Sludge -- 2014-12-08
Re: Re TPR -- Fifi -- 2014-12-08
Re: Re TPR -- yu2fa3 -- 2014-12-08
Re TPR -- yu2fa3 -- 2014-12-08
Re TPR -- Beth -- 2014-12-08
Re TPR -- Steven Forsyth -- 2014-12-09
Re TPR -- Beth -- 2014-12-09

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