Beth - 2014-12-14
In response to Re TPR (Sludge)

You said explicitly that you used your classes in order to get the phone numbers of your female students in order to meet up with them after classes were over in order to peruse sexual relations with them. The fact these posts are conveniently deleted now doesn't change the fact you said it.

You are the one who gives yourself a certain reputation.

I have never accused you of molesting anyone (guilty conscience, perhaps?), just of unethical and immoral abuses of your position as an educator.

Messages In This Thread
Re TPR -- Sludge -- 2014-12-07
Re TPR -- Beth -- 2014-12-07
Re TPR -- Sludge -- 2014-12-07
Re TPR -- AnotherEXEFDLteacher -- 2014-12-07
Re TPR -- Beth -- 2014-12-07
Re TPR -- Sludge -- 2014-12-09
Re TPR -- Beth -- 2014-12-09
Re TPR -- Sludge -- 2014-12-14
Re TPR -- Beth -- 2014-12-14
Re TPR -- Sludge -- 2014-12-15
Re TPR -- yu2fa3 -- 2014-12-09
Re TPR -- Sludge -- 2014-12-14

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