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frank andrews - 2006-04-19
In response to I'm out. You can have it all. (Rheno747)

I might be sitting next to you on the plane.
I've been visiting this board for the last three weeks or so, and recall reading your messages several times, although right now I don't recall exactly if I always agreed or disagreed, but I do know I've always enjoyed and appreciated what you had to say.
You're right about all the BS from so many different directions, even from folks that we thought we could always trust and rely on. Something happens to us, somehow we fall into some trap. We're paying close attention to all the games we're aware of, and along comes a new one we didn't see coming, from somebody we've trusted.
Too many excuses, too much microscopic inspection of us, being let down far too often with even the simplest of things by so many people.
So often, as many of the posters have pointed out, teachers are hired, lured by promises of great apts, food, fun, etc., and they get burned. Understandably, people get ticked off. Other times the people advertising their jobs are actually being honest: to them the apts they have available, the pay, all the circumstances with the job they are offering are great! It might look like a poohole to us, but its quite nice compared to the poohole they live in. The 4 or 5 or 6000Y we get each month is better than what MA or PHD holders get in Chinese unis. And if we have a job in a learning center, it can go up to 9.
Maybe we should think of it as hazard pay, for putting up with all the BS thats doled out.
Sorry, a bit divergent there.
What you said about people telling you you dont know what you're talking about, but never coming near a classroom themselves rings truest and loudest. But unfortunately, we'll all find that at home too.
Hang in there, man. I personally will go back and reread what you've posted the last few months.
What is that modern proverb? "This too shall pass."

Messages In This Thread
What's the point? - Teachers discussion -- frank andrews -- 2006-04-17
I Feel it is Relevant! - Teachers discussion -- Yingwen Laoshi -- 2006-04-18
Two options - Teachers discussion -- frank andrews -- 2006-04-18
Or, I could... - Teachers discussion -- Yingwen Laoshi -- 2006-04-19
Well said. - Teachers discussion -- frank andrews -- 2006-04-19
Here's the point! - Teachers discussion -- Hemingway -- 2006-04-18
Why the defense? - Teachers discussion -- Raoul Duke D.U.I., B.L.T., L.S.D., RUN.DMC -- 2006-04-18
I'm out. You can have it all. -- Rheno747 -- 2006-04-19
I'm with you. - Teachers discussion -- frank andrews -- 2006-04-19
I may be here another year...... - Teachers discussion -- Rheno747 -- 2006-04-19
Reasons to Be - Teachers discussion -- Raoul Duke -- 2006-04-19
Reno and Frank: You'll Feel better - Teachers discussion -- Robin Day B.Sc. MSc. B.Ed. -- 2006-04-22
I was wrong about my real role, ultimately - Teachers discussion -- Rheno747 -- 2006-04-22
Think globally, act locally...... - Teachers discussion -- frank andrews -- 2006-04-22
Reno Join em. That's my suggestion. - Teachers discussion -- Robin Day B.Sc. MSc. B.Ed. -- 2006-04-22
Nice observations. I've seen this myself. - Teachers discussion -- Rheno747, B.A., M.A., PhD, Hard Knocks U -- 2006-04-23
I forgot to mention..... - Teachers discussion -- frank andrews -- 2006-04-18
So what? - Teachers discussion -- Ted Hamill -- 2006-04-18
What are you replying to? - Teachers discussion -- frank andrews -- 2006-04-18
Kind of like comparing apples to oranges. - Teachers discussion -- Ted Hamill -- 2006-04-19
i think you're absolutely right - Teachers discussion -- vince -- 2006-04-18
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