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#1 Parent Slippers - 2015-01-07
Re Little London Hohhot

I've been there to hohhot many years ago, a move on my part I deeply regret. I would avoid if I were you, for a number of reasons, not only relating to the work itself. Email me for more, it is included.

#2 Parent Avator - 2015-01-07
Re Little London Hohhot

You're approaching your due dili in the correct manner, viz you have supplied an e-mail address. Sorry, but I can't help you re recent employment there, and I'm reticent to post hearsay re said language mill on here. But if you get no desired responses, I'll e-mail you privately re said hearsay. which is rather dim and distant, though not necessarily irrelevant.

Matt Sturgess - 2015-01-06
Little London Hohhot

Hi guys, does anyone have any info on working for Little London in Hohhot? Any body have any previous experience of working there that can share their opinion on the school and any issues they may have come across?

Any help is appreciated, thanks

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