Return to Index › Re Any western man can find a girl like this in China
#1 Parent yu2fa3 - 2015-01-08
Re Any western man can find a girl like this in China

Ha! Certainly not any of the characters you have created here or on the other discussion forum. I've counted 16 so far, with Bolton Boy your latest creation - am I close? You are becoming the "notorious" and "diabolical" Walter Mitty of this Forum. It's been said that the first sign of madness is talking to yourself, and the second sign, getting the answers. I suppose it keeps you occupied and there's the occasional funny.

I never answer my own posts. You have just admitted that you were the one exposing your manliness as a fake poster in true SB/T style to prove that you did have something of interest to the rich girl that Chinese men can only dream about hahaha! I think you used the name 'seeL' So the 16?- are you counting your own fake posters?

BTW I forgot to thank you for the 'good English' comment. I try and work in at least one error in each post. Sometimes it's deliberate but at other times porr tyoing sklls and lack of proofreading are the cause.

Do you do a Persian carpet maker by creating a mistake because only God is perfect? Proofreading!? why would you proofread a submission on an Internet forum hahaha!

No ,your posts are okay. The only thing I didn't like about them was your tendency to rush in and support other crony posters, even if they were totally wrong, misogynist, used awful English. SB and T could always rely on your support.

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