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#1 Parent yu2fa3 - 2015-01-11
Re Any western man can find a girl like this in China

Sorry, but you aren't going to get political correctness from me.

Using the word 'mong' as a shortened version of 'mongol' or a person with 'Down's syndrome' as you are now admitting has got nothing to do with political correctness or not being politically correct. You're a pig of a man, are you not? I assumed you were using its mongrel meaning. You have even managed to surprise me.

#2 Parent Beth - 2015-01-11
Re Any western man can find a girl like this in China

Being polite and trying not to offend does not equal political correctness. Using offensive terminology for the sake of it is childish and irresponsible. The fact you don't understand (or don't care) speaks volume about your personality.

#3 Parent Slippers - 2015-01-11
Re Any western man can find a girl like this in China

You at least said sorry, but the last part leads me to conclude you are quite content to mock anyone less capable than you are, be that mentally or physically. People cannot help being disabled you know, could even happen to you one day, but I hope not. Either way, much like feminism/chinese women/racism, I don't want to start another spiralling thread.

#4 Parent Beth - 2015-01-11
Re Any western man can find a girl like this in China

UK use is as a derogatory term for a disabled person, specificlly someone with neurological deficits. It's highly offensive and there is no reason to use it. The fact it was being used as an outright and unsolicited insult, I'm shocked the mods allowed it through, regardless of the intended definition.

I'm a little shocked at your defense of its use, especially given the term was being levied at yourself in the first place.

#5 Parent John O' Shei - 2015-01-11
Re Any western man can find a girl like this in China

Sorry, but you aren't going to get political correctness from me.

#6 Parent yu2fa3 - 2015-01-10
Re Any western man can find a girl like this in China

Do you think the offensive slang for spastic is really called for?Think you need to have a rethink on that part of your post.

I've been under the impression that it means mongrel as in dog. I know it can have another meaning but in all fairness to T, we should ask him which meaning he means,

British Dictionary definitions for mong
(Austral, informal) short for mongrel
(Brit, slang) a stupid or foolish person
Word Origin
C20: a shortening of mongol
Collins English Dictionary - Complete & Unabridged 2012 Digital Edition
© William Collins Sons & Co. Ltd. 1979, 1986 © HarperCollins
Publishers 1998, 2000, 2003, 2005, 2006, 2007, 2009, 2012
Cite This Source
Contemporary definitions for mong

#7 Parent Slippers - 2015-01-10
Re Any western man can find a girl like this in China

Do you think the offensive slang for spastic is really called for?Think you need to have a rethink on that part of your post.

#8 Parent yu2fa3 - 2015-01-09
Re Any western man can find a girl like this in China

Yet I seem to get banned occasionally (without notice), but they allow him to continue posting...

I guess he is the forum mong though...

Knock knock knock, anybody at home!!!?? It could well be something to do with the way you speak about women! Just a suggestion mind, you should ask the moderators. Also, and I'm only suggesting-smutty talk about genitalia, and the inferiority of some races in that respect. You say you have been banned without notice. Well, how can they inform you (if that's policy) unless you leave an e-mail address? I think that your mind must be fuddled with all that copy&paste and constantly and being plunged into the obscurity of that wardrobe every time T gets shirty with you hahaha! only joking lol. Have a gay new year, do.

#9 Parent John O' Shei - 2015-01-09
Re Any western man can find a girl like this in China

Yet I seem to get banned occasionally (without notice), but they allow him to continue posting...

I guess he is the forum mong though...

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