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#1 Parent yu2fa3 - 2015-01-12
Re Any western man can find a girl like this in China

Being rich alone won't impress most decent women, but not being financially secure can be a turn off.

Well another poster thinks you should just unzip and show her best mate the benefits of a poor man with a purpose.

it would be helpful if you elaborated as to what financially secure means. Just a job- or do you have to be a rental-income man to boot? I mean to say one can lose a job at the drop of a hat, no? I don't believe you necessarily have to have either. Necessarily I said!

#2 Parent Beth - 2015-01-12
Re Any western man can find a girl like this in China

No, it is not the primary concern for most women!

I am 35 years old, I have been self sufficient since the age of 17, I have lived and worked all over the world. I have nursed a parent through a terminal disease whilst looking after an eight year old sibling. I have been both well off and dirt poor. I have friends all over the world, from different backgrounds and different cultures. I have been married and divorced, I am currently in a relationship with a wonderful man.

I do not lack life experience. You lack experience with women if you believe all we care about is money. Like I said before, women want somebody who respects them, who views them as an equal and who will be thier partner. I know many, many women all over the world and the bank account of a prospective partner is not the primary concern for any of them.

Again, the archaic opinions about women held by many on this board is disgusting.

#3 Parent John O'Shei - 2015-01-12
Re Any western man can find a girl like this in China

Being rich alone won't impress most decent women, but not being financially secure can be a turn off.

#4 Parent platinum paradise - 2015-01-12
Re Any western man can find a girl like this in China

The fact is that for many women the bank account is of primary concern. You are fairly naïve I feel. I wonder how old you are? You seem to lack life experience.

#5 Parent platinum paradise - 2015-01-12
Re Any western man can find a girl like this in China

I have only posted on here a few times, so how could you have offered me any advice? What I am saying is that you have an ego problem, and I never said it was hard to find a woman in China, you are the one saying it is not hard, you are stating the obvious. Like I said, congratulate yourself for doing difficult things, not the easy things.

#6 Parent Beth - 2015-01-11
Re Any western man can find a girl like this in China

And I never said a man must be rich to find a Chinese girl, I just said it makes it easier, the same rule applies with any woman.

What utter rubbish! I don't look at how wealthy someone is, I look at how compatible we are and how they make me feel. As do the vast, vast majority of women. Women care about having an equal, a friend, somebody who loves them and treats them with respect. Those who are only interested in what material possessions can be provided for them are the minority.

The archaic attitudes about women on this board is frankly disturbing.

#7 Parent yu2fa3 - 2015-01-11
Re Any western man can find a girl like this in China

What I am saying is that you appear to have a huge ego, and it is certainly not warranted. The talk about finding Chinese women on here is often absurd, yes, I 've read the other posts. Congratulate yourself on doing something difficult if you must, but not something relatively easy like finding and marrying a Chinese woman. And I never said a man must be rich to find a Chinese girl, I just said it makes it easier, the same rule applies with any woman.

No, it's only hard if you have a bad attitude and don't have a way with women. I've offered to help you in the past but you refuse to listen. Is it 15 or 20 years you've been pounding the great wall of china in the futile search for a wife? You need to enlist the likes of Beth and myself to give you an attitude-makeover- you know it makes sense?

#8 Parent platinum paradise - 2015-01-10
Re Any western man can find a girl like this in China

What I am saying is that you appear to have a huge ego, and it is certainly not warranted. The talk about finding Chinese women on here is often absurd, yes, I 've read the other posts. Congratulate yourself on doing something difficult if you must, but not something relatively easy like finding and marrying a Chinese woman. And I never said a man must be rich to find a Chinese girl, I just said it makes it easier, the same rule applies with any woman.

#9 Parent yu2fa3 - 2015-01-10
Re Any western man can find a girl like this in China

What is the obsession with Chinese women on this board? It seems you fellows spend half the time talking about Chinese women, their faults, or how to find a wife or GF in China. Has it occurred to you that many men don't care about Chinese women, or are not interested in them? There are plenty of places to find a GF, China is one of many. The talk about how some men can find a woman in China and others can't is also very childish.

Any man, Chinese or otherwise who is reasonably well-off can snag a woman in China, it ain't exactly rocket science, but you seem to like to toot your own horn as if you have had some sort of victory of sorts. Finding a GF in an Asian country is easy for most Western men, although having money helps a lot obviously.

Tell a Friend

Hahaha! And now you've joined us with quite a long post talking about the subject yourself and telling us all about the power of money to hook that Lotus Blossom. Welcome aboard sailor.

#10 Parent John O' Shei - 2015-01-10
Re Any western man can find a girl like this in China

Excellent post!

#11 Parent platinum paradise - 2015-01-10
Re Any western man can find a girl like this in China

What is the obsession with Chinese women on this board? It seems you fellows spend half the time talking about Chinese women, their faults, or how to find a wife or GF in China. Has it occurred to you that many men don't care about Chinese women, or are not interested in them? There are plenty of places to find a GF, China is one of many. The talk about how some men can find a woman in China and others can't is also very childish.

Any man, Chinese or otherwise who is reasonably well-off can snag a woman in China, it ain't exactly rocket science, but you seem to like to toot your own horn as if you have had some sort of victory of sorts. Finding a GF in an Asian country is easy for most Western men, although having money helps a lot obviously.

#12 Parent yu2fa3 - 2015-01-09
Re Any western man can find a girl like this in China

Interesting post, thank you.

I suppose because I really do believe that if you have the right attitude you can be as poor as a church mouse and still stand a very good chance of getting a worthwhile girlfriend and wife in China, I may have seen your 'seeL' post as undermining that argument in some way. I don't actually believe you to be a smutty person for one moment. I apologise for getting carried away with the need to win. It was a good joke post- a jolly good one.

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