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#1 Parent San Migs - 2015-01-17
Re Two Hong Kong universities drop the CET

However, the "they are now advertising for people from africa or asia because they can't find any sod motivated enough in manchester" I'm suspicious about; i don't think British people are the ones they want to hire, whether they are lazy or not. It is largely discrimination against the British by the British in their own country. Once they have a few foreigners they want to add more so they gel together- and of course low wages often come into the equation.

Agree and disagree in equal measure, not that I mean to impune your posting.

I can say that there are a lot who do not want to do care work, they don't like to clean up after others, and the welfare creates a lazy sense of entitlement.It could well be discrimination, but when people advertise for workers and they get no replies, they will look elsewhere. I worked in israel doing renovation work, israeli youth did not want to do it, too hot, too much like hard work, and they get good government welfare, even free housing and food on the kibbutzim. The problem with countries like ours run by socialists (champagne socialists) is that it does generate laziness and entitlement. The example I gave of israel is just one--jewish people generally are pretty hard working and have a good work ethic, but welfare has made the young israelis lazy, they have a cradle to grave system, so why should they get their hands dirty? That is their mentality. I am not afraid of hard work, despite what CL and others may think of me,the only person who judges you is the reflection in the mirror, noone else.

#2 Parent yu2fa3 - 2015-01-16
Re Two Hong Kong universities drop the CET

The sad part is (and nothing against the poles!) is that if you are Bulgarian and Romanian milking the system in the UK for a few years means you can feck off back home and live like a king and never need work again. Meanwhile your average honest working person or family man like you get's all kind of shyte heaped on you. We should be bringing in talented individuals and getting our own blokes to work, not bringing in blokes from Romania to do the heavy lifting and work like installing ducts. I saw an advert just today for a job in Manchester, 120 quid per day....they are now advertising for people from africa or asia because they can't find any sod motivated enough in manchester, that says a lot about the mentality of your average english youth, not an older retired gent like yourself.There is plenty of work--just the dole dossers always find enough excuses, a mate of mine works nights at a bakery,if Romanians take it, it's our own bloody folly.

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A good and true post,mate. However, the "they are now advertising for people from africa or asia because they can't find any sod motivated enough in manchester" I'm suspicious about; i don't think British people are the ones they want to hire, whether they are lazy or not. It is largely discrimination against the British by the British in their own country. Once they have a few foreigners they want to add more so they gel together- and of course low wages often come into the equation.

#3 Parent Sludge - 2015-01-16
Re Two Hong Kong universities drop the CET

The sad part is (and nothing against the poles!) is that if you are Bulgarian and Romanian milking the system in the UK for a few years means you can feck off back home and live like a king and never need work again. Meanwhile your average honest working person or family man like you get's all kind of shyte heaped on you. We should be bringing in talented individuals and getting our own blokes to work, not bringing in blokes from Romania to do the heavy lifting and work like installing ducts. I saw an advert just today for a job in Manchester, 120 quid per day....they are now advertising for people from africa or asia because they can't find any sod motivated enough in manchester, that says a lot about the mentality of your average english youth, not an older retired gent like yourself.There is plenty of work--just the dole dossers always find enough excuses, a mate of mine works nights at a bakery,if Romanians take it, it's our own bloody folly.

#4 Parent yu2fa3 - 2015-01-15
Re Two Hong Kong universities drop the CET

All my life I've worked for my money and have not accepted handouts from anybody.

I wish i could get some handouts but can't get any. We can't even get tax credit(think it;s called that)were refused- no housing benefits, although half the population of europe who live in the same town seem to get it, They jump off the boat and get it! i did get cavity wall insulation free from a government scheme for house owners if you have a house of a certain age. My neighbour gets housing benefit and takes 3 holidays a year, He parks his car at the airport ,would you believe it!? I can't even afford to park a pedicycle there. when we leave for China I will (carrying Esther in a sling) carry two cases plus rucksack on back as well as the girl, pull the cases 2 miles to board National Express coach.

When the wife came to UK, she was on a visa 'no recourse to public funds' Maybe I could have got housing benefit myself but after the British Border Agency poking into all my business when we were in China-they needed a caseful of personal documents, I'd had enough. I think people who aren't British get special dispensation to bring in others who also aren't British-all they need to produce is a supermarket receipt it seems.

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