Return to Index › Re Two Hong Kong universities drop the CET
#1 Parent yu2fa3 - 2015-01-16
Re Two Hong Kong universities drop the CET

all I will say is this, it was not my intention to upset you, as is evidenced from your lengthy post. I still think you are wealthier than you claim however. Silverboy mentioned qingdao, not me.

He did, and that SB was always getting his pal T in hot water by mentioning things he shouldn't. All those steak pies that CL mentioned must go to his head.(maybe sb was furious that cl mentioned steak pies(he spotted on DD) and so revealed his time in qingdao)

When these posters start saying 'I ave money' you should take it with a pinch of salt.

#2 Parent San Migs - 2015-01-16
Re Two Hong Kong universities drop the CET

all I will say is this, it was not my intention to upset you, as is evidenced from your lengthy post. I still think you are wealthier than you claim however. Silverboy mentioned qingdao, not me.

I feel what we are seeing here between you and me is a clear case of the following:



I shall refrain from posting again. It will be easy to know if I do as you can check for a Hong Kong ip address. Happy chinese new year of the goat.

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