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#1 Parent San Migs - 2015-01-23
Re Two Hong Kong universities drop the CET

best to save your money, That way when the two big holidays arrive you can swan off to Thailand or somewhere- or even some nice places in the south of China.

Respect to you for doing it. I was unable to do so on 5,500 a month. Then east china was perhaps more expensive than where you were perhaps. No offence intended by the way.

#2 Parent yu2fa3 - 2015-01-22
Re Two Hong Kong universities drop the CET

I know there is a craft beer culture, as there is a wine culture. I knew a chinese bloke who would invite me to a wine shop he had opened, upstairs he had spanish ham and imported wines. He would hold the occasional wine evening with cheese and ham and would invite me along for gratis, I would gracefully accept now and again, but I was not too stupid to realize he just wanted the token foreigner. But it was his treat, so once or twice a month it was quite nice, as opposed to being stuck in a poky FT's flat, or some noisy chinese bar. I did not mean to offend about the bars, been to them, just don't like them so much,also they like to rip you off on the bill in someway a lot of the times.

I found it sensible to eat noodles (even if you aren't over keen on Chinese grub) best to save your money, That way when the two big holidays arrive you can swan off to Thailand or somewhere- or even some nice places in the south of China. Anyway it all seems a bit sad to me, to spend a year or two in China and spend your time chasing around for Western food

When you arrive in China one of the priorities is to buy yourself a little oven/grill. I have cooked myself many a British roast complete with Yorkshire pudding on one of those little workspace stoves. Your time in China will only too soon come to a close and then you can eat as much western food as you please. Don't go through your life either led by your penis or your stomach. You don't have to particularly like all the food you eat..unless you're too precious. Not if you want to keep hold of your cash that is.

#3 Parent San Migs - 2015-01-22
Re Two Hong Kong universities drop the CET

I know there is a craft beer culture, as there is a wine culture. I knew a chinese bloke who would invite me to a wine shop he had opened, upstairs he had spanish ham and imported wines. He would hold the occasional wine evening with cheese and ham and would invite me along for gratis, I would gracefully accept now and again, but I was not too stupid to realize he just wanted the token foreigner. But it was his treat, so once or twice a month it was quite nice, as opposed to being stuck in a poky FT's flat, or some noisy chinese bar. I did not mean to offend about the bars, been to them, just don't like them so much,also they like to rip you off on the bill in someway a lot of the times.

#4 Parent San Migs - 2015-01-22
Re Two Hong Kong universities drop the CET

Big old log fires are nice-

That is one thing a chinese "pub" can never replicate. The bonhomie and egalitarian nature of an english boozer.

#5 Parent yu2fa3 - 2015-01-21
Re Two Hong Kong universities drop the CET

Yes pubs can be gay and lively but for me it has to be no music, games, fruit machines, TV and sadly children. Big old log fires are nice- mobiles totally banned (the use of) you have to go outside with the smokers- although I wouldn't mind people smoking. The good thing is that in the UK you can find a pub which suits you- even if that varies according to your mood at the time. I mean, if Dear Aunt Vera dies you wouldn't necessarily want to be surrounded by gaiety and the clattering of a one-armed-bandit if you went to a pub to sit and reflect on her life and enjoy a few pints in peace. For me too i enjoy talking to strangers(in depth) and gay establishments don't lend themselves to that.

#6 Parent John O' Shei - 2015-01-21
Re Two Hong Kong universities drop the CET

When I am in China, I'm not going to be too offended about my local bar or pub being a Chinese one.

Also, don't underestimate the booming craft beer culture emerging amongst the middle classes.

#7 Parent Beth - 2015-01-21
Re Two Hong Kong universities drop the CET

There was a bar called 'Friends' in Dalian ran by a Bostonian ex-pat an his Chinese wife. It was a proper Irish style pub, with good beer on tap, a friendly atmosphere and great bar staff. I spent most of my free time there! The customers were mostly the Irish ex-pats of Dalian and then some Americans, Canadians and a couple of Brits... I really, really miss that pub. Western sports matches on upstairs, pool downstairs and classic rock on the speakers... When th Irish lads weren't giving an impromptu concert! Amazing place.

Sadly no longer under the same management as Paul and Crystal returned to the USA last year.

#8 Parent San Migs - 2015-01-21
Re Two Hong Kong universities drop the CET

I thought we were just joking, I hope he returns, he's a good poster and a real academic who wants to help with his posts.

Me too, he is wound up rather tightly, don't you agree? He could do with a spell on a southeast asian beach with nothing but swimming and the odd drink and some mekong delta female company to relax him a bit? I am always of the opinion that all work and no play makes jack a dull boy, a bit of R&R is good for the soul.

#9 Parent San Migs - 2015-01-21
Re Two Hong Kong universities drop the CET

You obviously haven't been looking hard enough. Besides, does it really matter if it is a true British style pub or just a few beers at a BBQ? It is socialising over a few alcoholic beverages, it happens in different forms all over the world.

Actually I have. Probably been in China far longer than you have, and in many different places. Afraid we will just have to agree to disagree, nothing personal against you. Hong Kong and Macau are the only places where I have seen it done right, far better than those places in Guangzhou or Shenzhen. The reason is the management, HK and Macau are very international places, in comparison with the mainland. I personally know of one pub in HK, where the landlord is an Englishman. For me no, I actually prefer the shaokao places, much cheaper, and you get to meet some locals.

#10 Parent yu2fa3 - 2015-01-20
Re Two Hong Kong universities drop the CET

Hahahhaaha, yes one or two on those boards are quite naffed off at your ability to have these junkets to tropical climes with sandy beaches and sunny cocktails and a wifess in tow all on a FT in China's salary. You have to get those blokes taught, ahhahahahah

It is all to do with talking to women properly, like you would a bloke. That's if you want to end up with a normal decent woman. I'm sure you agree but others do not on this board with a few exceptions like yourself , and of course CL who in spite of my recent tussle with him I instinctively know him to be a good man and husband. I thought we were just joking, I hope he returns, he's a good poster and a real academic who wants to help with his posts.

#11 Parent San Migs - 2015-01-20
Re Two Hong Kong universities drop the CET

Hahahhaaha, yes one or two on those boards are quite naffed off at your ability to have these junkets to tropical climes with sandy beaches and sunny cocktails and a wifess in tow all on a FT in China's salary. You have to get those blokes taught, ahhahahahah

#12 Parent yu2fa3 - 2015-01-20
Re Two Hong Kong universities drop the CET

when you say pub I do hope you are referring to "public house"? Because I have never ever seen anything remotely resembling a countryside or even township public house in China, even the best of the so called british or irish bars. They might have (expensive) guinness or even if as a englishman some kind of bitter if you are lucky, but mostly gassy carlsberg or heineken. The only place in China I have seen a pub done right is in HK, and even then only because of british management. I don't think the chinese get or know what a "pub" really is imho.They do have bars though, although a bar means something quite different to an englishman, don't you agree?

Yes and another example of the spreading cancer of devaluing English words. A pub is a place to drink bitter or scrumpy- have a gay old time-turnoi on the piano tickling the ivories until last orders- pickled eggs and crisps- dart board for the lower orders in the public bar. A refuge to relax, anguish and cogitate. I mean, if you've had a heavy day in the Exeter Crematorium Rest Room, printing yourself out a new degree and TEFL, then you can't beat "The Dog & Duck' to relax with a few pints of scrumpy, a fag in the rose garden,(all for the right to smoke even though I do not) and lots of deep thinking about your forthcoming career as an FT in China. A pub is not some sleazy bar in China.

{partly based on info given to me by other posters over the last few months}

#13 Parent John O' Shei - 2015-01-20
Re Two Hong Kong universities drop the CET

You obviously haven't been looking hard enough. Besides, does it really matter if it is a true British style pub or just a few beers at a BBQ? It is socialising over a few alcoholic beverages, it happens in different forms all over the world.

#14 Parent San Migs - 2015-01-20
Re Two Hong Kong universities drop the CET

and don't spend enough time at the pub talking to real people in real life, but this guy takes it to another level.

when you say pub I do hope you are referring to "public house"? Because I have never ever seen anything remotely resembling a countryside or even township public house in China, even the best of the so called british or irish bars. They might have (expensive) guinness or even if as a englishman some kind of bitter if you are lucky, but mostly gassy carlsberg or heineken. The only place in China I have seen a pub done right is in HK, and even then only because of british management. I don't think the chinese get or know what a "pub" really is imho.They do have bars though, although a bar means something quite different to an englishman, don't you agree?

#15 Parent yu2fa3 - 2015-01-19
Re Two Hong Kong universities drop the CET

[edited]. [edited]. Some of us use Facebook a little too much and don't spend enough time at the pub talking to real people in real life, but this guy takes it to another level.

I never ever look at facebook and don't know what twitter(another hijacked word) is. i did accidentally end up in facebook years ago and it was a devilish job to extract myself from it. No this forum is enough of an excursion. I have nothing against facebook; I just found it an entrapment.

As for pubs- not for me, I have not been in one for at least 7 years. I'm not prepared to spend what little money I have in a pub, preferring to save my money for long holiday in China and other places. I am very good at getting conversations started with strangers; most people are quite nice I've found.

#16 Parent John O'Shei - 2015-01-19
Re Two Hong Kong universities drop the CET

Not much fun for those on the receiving end is it, even if you think you're being bloody hilarious with the ridicule - my mistake it's not "ridicule", but "fantasy").

[edited]. [edited]. Some of us use Facebook a little too much and don't spend enough time at the pub talking to real people in real life, but this guy takes it to another level.

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