Return to Index › Re Two Hong Kong universities drop the CET
#1 Parent Beth - 2015-01-26
Re Two Hong Kong universities drop the CET

You're entire post is laughable and I shan't waste any more of my time on you. You are beyond help, wilfully ignorant and only capable of sweeping generalisations.

And I don't care what you or your chums think... I care only that anybody reading this forum for help or advice about teaching knows that you lot are not what teaching is really about.

#2 Parent San Migs - 2015-01-26
Re Two Hong Kong universities drop the CET

But bolt guns, mass electrocution and battery are not?!

Even if they are it is the taste that is still different. Draining the blood does make the taste different, whether you are able to perceive that or not.

Again, none of that is anything to do with feminism.

Not to keep dragging this on, but that depends on your own individual perspective. I would say women being bossier than men is feminism!

Please look up what that word means, you truly do not understand it!

I think the fact that I understand the term only too well, and the concurrent lesbian propaganda it also promotes actually annoys you. It is a movement to berate men, humiliate men, and overtake them as equals and reduce men into a position below women. I reiterate, I am all for equality, but the pendulum has swung too far, especially in the west. A woman should never shout or talk over a man, for example, truly obscene!!

Feminism is about equal rights and equal pay and there is still a long way to for both.

No problems with that, but with rights come responsibilities.

And sometimes, nagging is necessary! I had a roommate in China whom I adored and will always be one of my best friends in the world. However, he lived like a pig! Myself and our other roommate (a man from.NYC) used to nag him constantly to do his share of the chores. We all had jobs in the house, I cleaned, NYC cooked and Pops was susposed to take out the rubbish. In the south of China during the warmer months this needed to be done often and he would leave it days until NYC or myself ended up doing it out of sheer frustration. Once we decided to leave it and make a photo journal of how long he took, without nagging, to take it out of his own volition. We lasted 15 days before we caved and took it out ourselves. He hadn't even noticed! Sometimes, nagging is required.

So you more or less admit that it is acceptable for a woman to nag a man to death?! Who is pops?!

British women do not tend to be horrible!

My experiences differ from yours then, do they not? I can honestly say I do not like a single one...I have never had a english or british girlfriend, not once, not ever, nor would I ever want one.I would most certainly never marry one.In a fit, I once assaulted my own mother, I am not proud of that fact, but she nagged and pushed me to the point, where I was driven to it.

What a ridiculous generalisation to make. British women tend to know thier own minds and know what they want, as do most western women.

And that is why so many western men will marry asian women. A woman knowing too much of what she wants is not always a good thing. Chinese women do not need westernizing by these fat older feminist propaganda teachers....

If you want somebody who will hang on your every word and fawn over you rather than be your equal, you either need to invent a time machine and pop back to 1950 or you need to live in a country where women are still considered inferior to men... And you have previously stated those countries to be in urgent need of modernization, you cannot have it both ways!

You think we need to go back to 1950?I never said I consider women inferior, I treat a girlfriend with respect, especially if she is kind and nice to me like a lot of my past chinese girlfriends have been.I am not going to agree with the fact that women should be superior to men however.

Like your chums on here, your biggest problem is that you blame the many for the actions of the few and are wholly incapable of making distinctions between individual cases. I had a horrible boss once, made my life a misery, that doesn't mean all bosses that fit the same gender/race description are the same. You really have to learn to stop tarring everyone and everything with the same brush.

You seem to resent the fact that O'Shei, SB, and myself disagree with you. Why does it matter so much what we think? If you really believe in yourself, then our opinions should count for diddly squat. You don't need to give a flying fig about us for your own self validation,surely? Simply move on...

I will respond to the rest later, I don't have time to now as I'm off out for the day horse riding in the mountains. Enjoy your Sunday also.

Fair enough, I am getting a little bit busier also, doing some film extra work and that is going to be quite time consuming, and private tutoring work is mounting up. I am sure you can agree, busy is good, or at least better than always posting on here? Hope you enjoyed your horse ride and weekend.


#3 Parent Beth - 2015-01-25
Re Two Hong Kong universities drop the CET

Not suddenly, I have always found it barbaric.
But bolt guns, mass electrocution and battery are not?!

the pendulum has swung too far---I once slammed a skiing pole into a tiled floor out of frustration at my sister in law for her damned impertinence and lack of respect for my brother who is ten times the size of her, yet afraid of her.British women tend to be horrible, sorry, but that is the truth...I had a female boss which also shaped my perspective, she would nag me to death no end. While perhaps not justifying my views, it might give you some background as to why I despise feminism and british women.Women are killing men in the UK, quite literally.
Again, none of that is anything to do with feminism. Please look up what that word means, you truly do not understand it! Feminism is about equal rights and equal pay and there is still a long way to for both. It is nothing to do with nagging men to get things done!

And sometimes, nagging is necessary! I had a roommate in China whom I adored and will always be one of my best friends in the world. However, he lived like a pig! Myself and our other roommate (a man from.NYC) used to nag him constantly to do his share of the chores. We all had jobs in the house, I cleaned, NYC cooked and Pops was susposed to take out the rubbish. In the south of China during the warmer months this needed to be done often and he would leave it days until NYC or myself ended up doing it out of sheer frustration. Once we decided to leave it and make a photo journal of how long he took, without nagging, to take it out of his own volition. We lasted 15 days before we caved and took it out ourselves. He hadn't even noticed! Sometimes, nagging is required.

British women do not tend to be horrible! What a ridiculous generalisation to make. British women tend to know thier own minds and know what they want, as do most western women. If you want somebody who will hang on your every word and fawn over you rather than be your equal, you either need to invent a time machine and pop back to 1950 or you need to live in a country where women are still considered inferior to men... And you have previously stated those countries to be in urgent need of modernization, you cannot have it both ways!

Like your chums on here, your biggest problem is that you blame the many for the actions of the few and are wholly incapable of making distinctions between individual cases. I had a horrible boss once, made my life a misery, that doesn't mean all bosses that fit the same gender/race description are the same. You really have to learn to stop tarring everyone and everything with the same brush.

I will respond to the rest later, I don't have time to now as I'm off out for the day horse riding in the mountains. Enjoy your Sunday also.

#4 Parent San Migs - 2015-01-25
Re Two Hong Kong universities drop the CET

Yes, a woman can install and move a sunbed! Don't be so archaic! We are not all little wallflowers incapable of opening a stiff jar without the assistance of a big, strong man! How ridiculous! You clearly do not understand what feminism is still, I suggest you look it up before throwing the term around again. Last time you brought this up you were under the delusion that feminism = lesbian. Now it appears you are laboring under the delusion it is someone who is bossy?

I am merely stating the pendulum has swung too far---I once slammed a skiing pole into a tiled floor out of frustration at my sister in law for her damned impertinence and lack of respect for my brother who is ten times the size of her, yet afraid of her.British women tend to be horrible, sorry, but that is the truth...I had a female boss which also shaped my perspective, she would nag me to death no end. While perhaps not justifying my views, it might give you some background as to why I despise feminism and british women.Women are killing men in the UK, quite literally.

Halal meat tastes no different to non-halal meat. If I were to cook you a steak made from both you would not be able to tell the difference.

Some might, then as I said, I do not eat red meat anymore so I would not know.

If you are suddenly finding the slaughter of animals barbaric, by halal methods, I suggest you do some research in to the slaughter houses that use non-halal methods. They are equally, if not more, barbaric.

Not suddenly, I have always found it barbaric.

As for taking the right to eat non-halal meat, again it's only the method in which the animal is killed.

Non muslims should not have to eat it though, but I will concede here.

I see no problem serving halal meat in public establishments because the method in which an animal is slaughtered is not important to meat eating observant Christians, nor is it to meat eating atheists.


Check this link. Why is it that subway had to go halal, and not kosher or appease any other religious dietary requirements. Again, we know why.

I agree that we tend to see Islamic extremism more than we do Christian or Jewish. That is not to say it doesn't happen, it's just that Islam has yet to drag itself in to the 21st century.

Agreed. And considering the fact that numerals, maths and science was a core part of arab history, I do not understand why it does not want to progress.

But it is still present in other religions; the Israelis did some pretty awful things during the recent activity in and around Gaza, with many Palestinian civilians being slaughtered.

There was that american girl, Rachel Kerrie (?) who got run over by an Israeli bulldozer in the gaza strip. It's very simple, you throw stones at soldiers or windows of a jeep that could crack and get glass in the eyeball of a driver, you get shot at. It's chess, not checkers. In wartime (and yes I believe Israel is at war!), you play the game to survive as best you can. Someone throws a stone at you, what do you do? Yes, there have been abuses and many children and women have been sadly killed, but all the arab countries have to do to end it is recognize Israel and stop financing terrorists. The fact is they won't even recognize Israel, even if they get a palestinian state and jerusalem to themselves.The whole thing is a sad mess, and I fear we will never see the situation resolved peacefully.I support the two state method with Jerusalem being under UN protection as a world religious city, but I doubt we will ever see that happen.

There are American Christian training camps where young children are indoctrinated in to being part of 'Christ's army' (there is a full documentary on YouTube about it). Most recently there was the story of an American woman whose attempts to troll liberals resulted in a very illadvised photo that drew a lot of comparisons to ISIS.

I can well believe it,I also find firebombing and death threats at abortion clinics/doctors to be monstrous, and I know there are lunatics in any religion, much like the hasidic jews in Israel who curse at and stone secular israeli people for having a bbq on the sabbath or girls for wearing swimwear (lighting fire, using electricity, is considered a huge taboo to them on the sabbath).

Although I do believe that there are some that do want to change western values and to them I quote the mayor of Rotterdam "If you do not like our freedoms, then just fuck off"

Quite right, and I don't take the daily mail as sacrosanct btw.

Have a good sunday,

#5 Parent Beth - 2015-01-24
Re Two Hong Kong universities drop the CET

Yes, a woman can install and move a sunbed! Don't be so archaic! We are not all little wallflowers incapable of opening a stiff jar without the assistance of a big, strong man! How ridiculous! You clearly do not understand what feminism is still, I suggest you look it up before throwing the term around again. Last time you brought this up you were under the delusion that feminism = lesbian. Now it appears you are laboring under the delusion it is someone who is bossy?

As for me "rounding on men over any perceived slight" what and when? If you're referring to the three years in which you lot insisted I was a man, or then an ugly old woman, or then a horrible person with no friends and no boyfriend, I don't think my reaction to these very real slights was unwarranted! Also, unless you hadn't noticed, the majority of the posters on this board are men, I disagree with most of them regarding their deplorable views on teaching, race and use of women. This doesn't make me a feminist, it makes me sensible!

Yes, I am a spurs fan.

Halal meat tastes no different to non-halal meat. If I were to cook you a steak made from both you would not be able to tell the difference. If you are suddenly finding the slaughter of animals barbaric, by halal methods, I suggest you do some research in to the slaughter houses that use non-halal methods. They are equally, if not more, barbaric. Many animals are not stunned prior to having a great weight hit them over the head, or not positioned correctly for the bolt gun leaving the animal in inordinate amounts of pain. Slaughter is was it is, slaughtering is not nice it is the murder of another living thing. If you eat the product of that the method in which it was killed is not your concern. An you are fooling yourself if you believe any one way to be more or less humane.

As for taking the right to eat non-halal meat, again it's only the method in which the animal is killed. I see no problem serving halal meat in public establishments because the method in which an animal is slaughtered is not important to meat eating observant Christians, nor is it to meat eating atheists. It ishowever a problem to observant Hindus as their religion forbids the eating of halal meat. Which is another reason I don't believe for a second the story you originally posted from the daily fail.

I agree that we tend to see Islamic extremism more than we do Christian or Jewish. That is not to say it doesn't happen, it's just that Islam has yet to drag itself in to the 21st century. And it has a group of powerful men at the centre of that keeping its followers uneducated and illiterate in order to do so. Boko Haram for example literally translates as "forbidden book", they do not want their followers educated as education tends to make most people think "hang on a minute, all this flag burning is a bit stupid really!" Just look at the Taliban and Malala. Again, a handful of men in power wanting to prevent the education of its followers. Christians and Jews did an awful lot of killing in the name of as recently as just 300 years ago, some elements of the Muslim world would like to see a return to the time of the caliphs and need to be reminded that time marches forwards and not backwards.

But it is still present in other religions; the Israelis did some pretty awful things during the recent activity in and around Gaza, with many Palestinian civilians being slaughtered. There are American Christian training camps where young children are indoctrinated in to being part of 'Christ's army' (there is a full documentary on YouTube about it). Most recently there was the story of an American woman whose attempts to troll liberals resulted in a very illadvised photo that drew a lot of comparisons to ISIS.

I'm an atheist, I think organised religion is archaic and stupid and faith (if you want it) should be a personal thing. That said I also believe it is an individual's right to believe what they want. I also believe that (unfortunately) most people in the west are easily scared by newspapers looking to.profit from their fears and politicians looking for votes on the back of blaming the many for the few. Although I do believe that there are some that do want to change western values and to them I quote the mayor of Rotterdam "If you do not like our freedoms, then just fuck off"

#6 Parent San Migs - 2015-01-24
Re Two Hong Kong universities drop the CET

Respectfully, I will dissect your posting, if I may?

Firstly, I am not a feminist. I believe women should have equal pay and rights and that's the
end of my feelings on the matter. Secondly, the eating of halal meat is absolutely
nothing to do with feminism. Eating halal meat is not radical nor is it extremist...
Just as simply being Muslim does not make you radical or extreme. I lived in London for
the vast majority of my life and have many friends both Muslim and Jewish.

The feminist accusation comes from the way you seem to round on men over anything you consider a perceived slight. We found common ground on the mong comment, I won't tolerate mocking the disabled at all, I was previously tutoring a girl with downs syndrome, very challenging, but at the end of the day, she is still a human being. Equal pay and rights is all well and good, but when women start demanding men to do things and being outrageously bossy, then I draw a line. A woman is just not as capable as a man at some aspects of life, not being sexist, but it is what it is. Can a woman move and install a sunbed by herself? Nothing against women being pilots or anything like that, but there are still come differences. You are right, halal meat has nothing to with feminism, so I shall leave that there. I did not say being muslim equates with being radical or extreme, but the fact is, there is a minority of muslims, note minority, who are happy to abuse our laws to get their own ends. As can be evidenced by the fact that students of all creeds and faiths no have no freedom of choice as to what they eat. I have muslim friends also and have studied islam a little.I still won't defend ISIS or choudary however. I believe britain should be as it is, a multi faith secular country, free from any religious extremism.

There are kosher delicatessens
dotted around England, especially in Tottenham where I'm from, just as there are halal
butchers. There is no distinction to be made between the two, both are specific
preparation of food in accordance with religious belief. What another person eats and
why is of absolutely no interest or business of mine or anybodys.

True, but jews still prefer to eat their own kosher food. You are not a spurs fan are you? You are right what another person eats is none of our business, but when a blanket decision to adopt one food is imposed, and we must like it or lump it, then I disagree. What happened to the freedom of choice NOT to eat halal food?

As said
before, the only difference is the manner in which the animal was slaughtered

Which I find barbaric and repulsive. Also aussies and brits and yanks alike, like a bit of blood in the steak. there is a difference in taste and texture between halal and non halal meat, whether you can detect it or not. I don't eat red meat anymore as I am a pescatarian, only fish and vegetables, but I could taste the difference if the two meats, esp. chicken, were placed before me, even if you may not agree with that. Not saying it tastes bad, when I taught in Oman, I had fond memories of eating at eid, when I did eat lamb/mutton.

I personally don't see why so many are offended by this

Again, freedom of choice. Just like many would not like to eat at a kosher subway, because of the dairy and meat laws in the torah, many want the freedom of choice to not to have to eat halal food. It's not a matter of offence, it is a matter of the freedom to choose and not have it imposed in a frankly outrageous manner by the few.

but saying the radicalised idiot jihadists
are indicative of all Muslims is like saying the westboro baptist church is indicative
of all Christians.

Difference is, christians and jews do not get offended to the extent they start burning embassies and people alive in tires, and burning flags and calling for caliphates. Egypt has been publishing anti semitic and anti western propaganda for ages, yet you don't see british or american or israeli people burning egyptian flags, and calling for a boycott on visiting the pyramids or the red sea. It is about maturity and accepting criticism. If islam wants to be the dominant force in the world and take the place of the old USSR or the current USA, then it will have to learn to accept criticism, pure and simple. To quote hitchens:


#7 Parent Beth - 2015-01-23
Re Two Hong Kong universities drop the CET

Firstly, I am not a feminist. I believe women should have equal pay and rights and that's the end of my feelings on the matter. Secondly, the eating of halal meat is absolutely nothing to do with feminism. Eating halal meat is not radical nor is it extremist... Just as simply being Muslim does not make you radical or extreme. I lived in London for the vast majority of my life and have many friends both Muslim and Jewish.

Halal meat is no different from kosher food. An observant Jew would no more eat non-kosher food than an observant Muslim would eat non-halal meat. There are kosher delicatessens dotted around England, especially in Tottenham where I'm from, just as there are halal butchers. There is no distinction to be made between the two, both are specific preparation of food in accordance with religious belief. What another person eats and why is of absolutely no interest or business of mine or anybodys.

I see no problem with using halal meat; when I'm in back in London (as I was over Christmas) I go to the butchers on the high street closest to my house, it's a halal butchers and the meat tastes no different to the stuff I get from a non-halal butchers! As said before, the only difference is the manner in which the animal was slaughtered.

I personally don't see why so many are offended by this, like you are literally saying 'we kill animals better than you and I don't want to be tricked in to eating meat that hasn't been killed by bolt gun!' - in fact the reason behind the consumption of halal meat is born from respect of the animal that died to nourish you... Like most of Islam, it's actually peaceful and respectful. Confusing it with the warped and twisted views of the radicals is the playground of the misinformed and ignorant. Islam has a long way to go, specifically in its subjugation of women, but saying the radicalised idiot jihadists are indicative of all Muslims is like saying the westboro baptist church is indicative of all Christians.

#8 Parent San Migs - 2015-01-23
Re Two Hong Kong universities drop the CET

Halal meat is not Muslim food, it's just the same as non-halal meat except for in one the animal has it's throat cut and in the other it is either electrocuted, bolt gunned, bashed in the head or a combination of the three.

The daily fail is just scaremongering, feeding and profiting from the ignorance of middle England. Shame on you for perpetuating such tripe.

As a feminist I am very curious as to why you defend extremist/radical islam, which would deny you the lifestyle you lead and the rights you have, but that is a whole other post.

There is something about respecting the host culture. You don't see jewish people in the UK demanding kashrut law and kosher food,they keep that to themselves. When I lived in Israel and I had an Iranian Jewish (Sephardic ancestry) girlfriend, I respected her culture and diet, that is the sabbath and the food rules as such:


Frustrating to me as an anglo saxon with some italian ancestry, but I accepted it, because it was her country and her culture. The thing is why should we accept the way they want to do things, but other minorities do not try to impose their ways upon us. Regardless of how you view it, we are under the threat of war, and the british egalitarian way of life is being destroyed for everyone, by the few. Students have the right to decide what meat they want to eat...it is not up to the uni bosses or politicians to kowtow to pressure by the few.

#9 Parent yu2fa3 - 2015-01-22
Re Two Hong Kong universities drop the CET

A bygone era, much like pubs closing, all this will only be remembered in books sadly. The way the country is going, there will be muslim milkman supplying halal stuff to the door in a few years.


If the top uk universities are feeding non-muslim students muslim food, god knows what the future will bring.If they have their way, they will be hanging girls from cranes for wearing short skirts and flirting with boys. Truly terrifying!!

Tell a Friend

Good post. Any religion that takes us back to the stone age and treats women as vessels purely in place for the benefit of men needs banning. Also the way they treat homosexuals cannot be tolerated....but is tolerated and aided and abetted by a sick politically correct.

#10 Parent Beth - 2015-01-22
Re Two Hong Kong universities drop the CET

Thr only difference between halal meat and 'normal' meat is the method in which the animal is slaughtered. Halal meat is not Muslim food, it's just the same as non-halal meat except for in one the animal has it's throat cut and in the other it is either electrocuted, bolt gunned, bashed in the head or a combination of the three.

The daily fail is just scaremongering, feeding and profiting from the ignorance of middle England. Shame on you for perpetuating such tripe.

#11 Parent San Migs - 2015-01-22
Re Two Hong Kong universities drop the CET

A bygone era, much like pubs closing, all this will only be remembered in books sadly. The way the country is going, there will be muslim milkman supplying halal stuff to the door in a few years.


If the top uk universities are feeding non-muslim students muslim food, god knows what the future will bring.If they have their way, they will be hanging girls from cranes for wearing short skirts and flirting with boys. Truly terrifying!!

#12 Parent yu2fa3 - 2015-01-21
Re Two Hong Kong universities drop the CET

I do miss the blue cap milk; the only thing you had to watch out for, where I was growing up, was the damned magpies. Nothing could sour your morning mood more when going in to bring in the milk, and to find out the flying rats have pierced the foil and had their dirty beak inside it.

Yes and the little finches also. The cream would rise to the top of the milk in those days....it doesn't seem to now!! It was the cream the birds were after. i think that in the area I was living what made me cancel my milk delivery was that they changed the shape of the bottles, making it harder to carry multiple bottles at once- the spout became shorter.

#13 Parent San Migs - 2015-01-21
Re Two Hong Kong universities drop the CET

I do miss the blue cap milk; the only thing you had to watch out for, where I was growing up, was the damned magpies. Nothing could sour your morning mood more when going in to bring in the milk, and to find out the flying rats have pierced the foil and had their dirty beak inside it.

#14 Parent yu2fa3 - 2015-01-20
Re Two Hong Kong universities drop the CET

I am of the opinion that fresh cow juice is better than some god awful chemical filled stuff called formula.Always fresh milk and fresh orange juice to the door in England when I was growing up.Vegans think everything is bad for you, I could become a vegetarian no problem at all, but sorry I am not going to use artificial or soy milk in coffee/tea. As a northerner tea with milk and sugar is too much a commonplace way of life. It's like asking your average chinese man to stop smoking, it simply won't happen.

Blue cap full fat milk is the only thing for tea. It always amuses me, peoples shopping trolleys {chocolate cakes, pork pies, crisps, fridge raiders, et ceteras...and an incongruous looking bottle of skimmed milk to watch them calories} hahaha.

Over Christmas I purchased an ashtray because we expected our neighbours on Christmas Eve. Having never been a smoker I don't really mind fags that much, I don't have all the zeal of the convert. However when they arrived he brought his electronic fags with him, a present from his wife. So, got an ashtray anyway for the next smoker who comes our way. More serious things to worry about in life than fags. They are trying to ban council house tenants from smoking here- bloody police state it's getting! I'm all for ending state benefits though..not all just most.

#15 Parent San Migs - 2015-01-20
Re Two Hong Kong universities drop the CET

I am of the opinion that fresh cow juice is better than some god awful chemical filled stuff called formula.Always fresh milk and fresh orange juice to the door in England when I was growing up.Vegans think everything is bad for you, I could become a vegetarian no problem at all, but sorry I am not going to use artificial or soy milk in coffee/tea. As a northerner tea with milk and sugar is too much a commonplace way of life. It's like asking your average chinese man to stop smoking, it simply won't happen.

#16 Parent yu2fa3 - 2015-01-19
Re Two Hong Kong universities drop the CET

The insistence that I am either a man, a militant feminist, unattractive, old and a whole host of made up cliquey insults that at no point have you mentioned. I personally feel it is fine to 'attack' those posters, but I reserve those attacks for when they attempt to sully the profession I love with their idiotic attitude towards teaching, or their quite vile opinions about women and Asian people.

Well they like saying and claiming the complete opposite of how things really are even when handed incontrovertible proof- for example your pictures which to anybody not blind reveals an attractive intelligent woman. Without trying to be familiar, very attractive, and if Esther turns out like you we'll be well pleased. But you know all that already.

Started Esther on cows milk in her porridge this morning and there was no crying at all. Maybe formula tastes disgusting!

#17 Parent Beth - 2015-01-19
Re Two Hong Kong universities drop the CET

Just a couple of points with this.


you did say in one very recent post that it was fine to attack people on here. Not much fun for those on the receiving end is it
This I find quite extraordinary to pick Yufa up for, when you consider the horrific bullying and insulting posts that have been aimed my way by the likes of Turnoi, SB, SM and others in the past, simply for having a different (sic:more) experience in the world of education than they did. The insistence that I am either a man, a militant feminist, unattractive, old and a whole host of made up cliquey insults that at no point have you mentioned. I personally feel it is fine to 'attack' those posters, but I reserve those attacks for when they attempt to sully the profession I love with their idiotic attitude towards teaching, or their quite vile opinions about women and Asian people.

The 'attacks' I've seen Yufa (under his many aliases) make have been mainly in defence of Chinese women, using his targets own words against them. I may not agree with it myself, but I understand the desire to do so, especially so when for the most part it's their own views being used to lampoon.


You even admitted in another post (to Beth, I think) that you couldn't contribute much - so why are you here?
If being able to contribute to teaching discussion was a condition of posting on this site, there would be maybe 3 posters left! You cannot ask this question of Yufa without also asking it of SB, SM, JoS and all the other aliases they use when they are here primarily to validate each others racist and misogynistic views under the veil of hating private schools (of which they have zero experience of).

Regarding the use of aliases, I have never used them; I originally started as LondonGirl, as I wanted to protect my privacy. After the insults and bile that came my way, the questioning of my identity and qualifications, I imparted some additional information to offer proof. Since then I have gone under my real name as the desire for anonymity was moot having had it stripped in order to counter the attacks you remained silent on (hence my finding of this post a little hypocritical). Upon my return (at another posters request) to the board, I attempted to remain anonymous again, but reverted to my real name within days. Please note, I do not want, need nor expect you to defend the attacks against me, my experience or my character; I am more than capable of doing so myself, especially against the towering intellect of the likes of SB, however I do find some lop-sidedness to highlighting that behavior in one whilst ignoring the worse behavior of others.

The culture of using aliases on this board is such that trusting what someone says and their agenda for saying is impossible for me, which is not conducive to constructive debate. I did suggest some time ago that registered usernames, linked to email addresses, should be used in order to keep track of posts and post count and would be very easy to implement... But surprise surprise, the usual suspects shot that idea down under the guise of 'free speech' because it would impede their ability to agree with themselves.

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