Return to Index › May holiday - Teachers discussion
#1 Parent Raoul - 2006-04-26
May Day Party! - Teachers discussion

The people at Raoul's China Expat Saloon are such a fine bunch that every May Day I invite all of them to a party at my house. This year is no exception.

We are chartering a canal cruiser and sailing around Suzhou and the nearby water villages. Those interested will explore the gardens, historic districts, shopping, etc. There will be a massive overconsumption of tequila, and God only knows what manner of misbehavior.

Ought to be fun...again.

Raoul's China Expat Saloon
Nate's China School Review

#2 Parent Gaby - 2006-04-25
May holiday - Teachers discussion

I will spend my time with a Chinese family from Suzhou ( the Venice of the East ).
You can do the same. Just check the site: www.tophomestay.org

frank andrews - 2006-04-25
May holiday - Teachers discussion

What are folks doing in China for the May holiday?

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