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#1 Parent Somebody - 2015-01-25
Re Chinese Educators' Practices

I don't always go with whores

Where did I say you did?

#2 Parent San Migs - 2015-01-25
Re Chinese Educators' Practices

as a part of a general freedom of choice.I don't always go with whores, you are putting virtual words into my mouth mi amigo.

#3 Parent Somebody - 2015-01-25
Re Chinese Educators' Practices

Your stated interests: beer and "whores".

Now tell me again who is shallow?

#4 Parent San Migs - 2015-01-25
Re Chinese Educators' Practices

Singapore is a terrible, sterile place and it seems to me it would not be much fun there. I will give the chinese this, you have the freedom to drink a beer whereever you like, get a whore whenever you like, and more or less do whatever you like, in Singapore no such chance. Boring and shallow.

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