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#1 Parent Beth - 2015-01-28
Re Course work assistance needed

I wasn't talking about you, I was talking about the man you laughed at for thinking his city is beautiful.

Do you even read your own posts back after you've finished making them up?!

#2 Parent JOS. - 2015-01-28
Re Course work assistance needed

I may feel lucky to have spent time in China, but proud of it? Nah... I wouldn't expect Chinese people to be proud of the fact that they live in the U.K either, unless they gain British citizenship.

#3 Parent San Migs - 2015-01-28
Re Course work assistance needed

Having pride in where you live is not a bad thing.

A very curious statement to make. Why would I be proud of living in China, if I am British? It is not my country, I was not born there, I do not owe it anything, nor do I swear allegiance to it.

#4 Parent San Migs - 2015-01-28
Re Course work assistance needed

Why should he?

#5 Parent martin hainan - 2015-01-27
Re Course work assistance needed

He's clearly an Indian speaker of English. I will leave it to linguists to argue what qualifies as a native language in India.

No doubt the private English language industry in China is in need of Indian entrepreneurial educators. The rest of the world is already well into their safari for the 'fuerdai' RMB.

Sammy's writing is no worse than Chinese university English teachers when they attempt academic English publication.

Harvard University Chinese majors in the undergraduate foreign language school at Harvard are not required (any likely unable) to write a graduation thesis in Chinese. Every university in China requires their undergraduate English Majors to submit a graduate thesis. The results are either maddening or entertaining, depending on your understanding of the Chinese educational system.

Perhaps my senior students should request assistance from the generous EFL tutors on this website.

#6 Parent Beth - 2015-01-27
Re Course work assistance needed

And yet SB was unable to tell the difference between an academic essay plan and a survey! Which, by your previous post, he should be able to have done had he been qualified! Do make up your mind!

SB is the racist.

Having pride in where you live is not a bad thing.

#7 Parent Beth - 2015-01-27
Re Course work assistance needed

I'm going to Turkey and Spain on February 5 for two weeks,
On behalf of Spain, please limit your holiday to Turkey.
#8 Parent San Migs - 2015-01-27
Re Course work assistance needed

I don't know about the martin poster, but SB is a very highly qualified and highly respected foreign teacher in China. I happened to work at a place that he worked after he left there, and the students and staff liked him, there was not much complaint, except from a racist chinese teacher or two...but you can never please those xenophobes. One even told me guangzhou was the most beautiful city in the world, I laughed very hard at that one.

#9 Parent San Migs - 2015-01-27
Re Course work assistance needed

Having a degree means nothing much these days anyway. Tradesman earn much more than most uni graduates nowadays.

You are right there, even being a fitter for british gas, or working for yourself as a boiler repairman/fitter will earn you more than teaching in China or even perhaps being a teacher in the UK will ever do. I am not afraid of hard work with my hands. If i ever return to the UK, I would be more than glad and happy to undertake some manual work. Well paid, and you make some mates.

#10 Parent Beth - 2015-01-26
Re Course work assistance needed

Well both SB and MArtin were apparently unable to do so!! Are you saying they aren't degree holders, then?!

#11 Parent Beth - 2015-01-26
Re Course work assistance needed

alias, SB?! Sheeesh, aren't you getting bored yet?!

Sammy came here looking for help and advice, what a shock she recieved neither from you lot! I pity anybody unfortunate enough to end up in your classrooms!

#12 Parent San Migs - 2015-01-26
Re Course work assistance needed

Most who call themselves teachers in China are bunch of losers in their countries. That's the more reason why they could't distinguish between an academic writing, a survey and a questionnaire.

Simply wrong!! Anyone with a university education could distinguish between those differing types of documents.

#13 Parent Beth - 2015-01-26
Re Course work assistance needed

I take back what I said about your English level! You're clearly a native speaker! I was thrown a little by your initial post as there weren't a lot of discourse markers and I am so used to reading essay plans of L2 speakers! My apologies!

If you can give me a little more info about the focus of your essay I will be happy to help you further with insights gained from.11 years teaching in various countries. I also would understand entirely if you don't want to have this conversation publicly for the degenerates in here to pick apart, so feel free to email me privately if you want. My email is beth.livermore @ yahoo.co.uk

#14 Parent martin hainan - 2015-01-26
Re Course work assistance needed

For haters and losers that do have academic stuff in your empty skulls, I defy you to write like this.
Gotta love Chinese education.

#15 Parent Gold and Silver - 2015-01-26
Re Course work assistance needed

Wrong. Most of us have degrees, teaching certificates, and experience. Having a degree means nothing much these days anyway. Tradesman earn much more than most uni graduates nowadays. Sick and tired of life in China? Many of us have money, we have mobility, and can live wherever we like. I'm going to Turkey and Spain on February 5 for two weeks, I'm looking for a teaching job in China after that, if I don't get one I will just chill out in Oz for a while. We are not always in China. I like teaching oral English in China at universities however, as it gives me time to do more important and fun things. Maybe I will move to Vietnam when I'm finally bored with China and Chinese people. Even the guys on here with not much money seem to have mobility. Maybe YOU are jealous! I'm willing to bet you are stuck working at some crappy TC and feel trapped. Tone down your uppity and snobbish tone, you are nothing special.

#16 Parent Sammy - 2015-01-26
Re Course work assistance needed

Thanks a lot , Beth for your expert advice and empathy. Most who call themselves teachers in China are bunch of losers in their countries. That's the more reason why they could't distinguish between an academic writing, a survey and a questionnaire. Majority of you so called 'oral English teachers' don't even have a high school certificate not to mention a bachelors. I'm not surprised you couldn't understand a word in my posting. Perhaps, you're jealous as you didn't have the opportunity to get a university education. Worse still, you are dejected and wanted to vent your anger/frustration on someone else as you're sick and tired of your life in China. Mind you, the content was not a copy and paste stuff. I doubt it if you d*mb as* know what plagiarism means.

Anyway, for your information, no one is compelled to respond to my post. Moreover, I am not soliciting backpackers' opinions. If you're not clear about what I requested for, i'm going to state it crystal clear once more. Only education experts opinions or those who hold masters degrees in education and related areas are sought. Others can keep their opinions to themselves as they are worth less than tissue paper.

For those who think I need answers or model essays, you are totally wrong. All I was asking for are to point me in the right direction,plain and simple. A model essay as stated in my previous posting is something related to my area of research. A million thanks to Beth in this regard.

For haters and losers, if you don't have any academic stuff in your empty skulls, shut the trap for ever!

NB: I'm not Chinese and not an English teacher. I am educator who is interested in curriculum designing, leadership, learning and schooling and how these can help improve language learning in China as most language schools here are nothing but a joke! You all know that.

#17 Parent Beth - 2015-01-24
Re Course work assistance needed

Another wonderfully supportive post from the troll troupe!

She was asking if we thought her responses were appropriate and if we knew of any further material on the subject.

It wasn't a survey or a questionnaire!

I'm seriously beginning to doubt your lots ability to read! One sees it as a job application, the other as a survey! And you claim to be English teachers?! You are nothing but jokes!

#18 Parent John O'Shei - 2015-01-24
Re Course work assistance needed

That person is doing academic research, yet for their survey/questionnaire is using participants from a message board that is very informal in its nature...

Yeah, I'll take that kind of research seriously ;)

Whenever you take a survey related to any kind of coursework to a message board/forum, you will probably get ridiculed. It's an unwritten law of the internet.

#19 Parent Beth - 2015-01-24
Re Course work assistance needed

What condescending tripe that is! An educator should encourage and support, not ridicule. You are a disgrace. You are also assuming an awful amount based on one request for assistance with course work... Which suggests to me it is an essay for academic purposes, not a job application. Quite apart from the fact that you suggest writing in a different language when it's entirely possible the reason she is asking for help is that the paper is required to be written in English. I pity your poor students if that is your attitude towards a learner. You certainly shouldn't be casting aspersions about her moral compass for having the audacity to ask for input on an essay about teaching practice on a forum designed for teachers. It's not her fault that the number of real teachers on this board could be counted on the toes on my left foot! And before you imply it, no, I am not endorsing plagiarism. The internet is a wonderful tool for research and should be used as such to shape and form ideas.

Sammy, please ignore him, your English level is fine to write an academic essay; from what you posted (assuming it isn't copied and pasted) you would sit somewhere around the upper B2 level on the CEFR for your writing and it was a good example of an essay plan at the lower FCE level. It does need more focus and more information before I could advise you further, as my previous post stated, but from what you've got so far it's a good start.

#20 Parent yu2fa3 - 2015-01-24
Re Course work assistance needed

If however you are applying to work at a privately owned English Training company in China, please disregard my comments and cut and paste at will from the internet. No doubt your employer did as well.

Hahaha! You're using the copy&paste accusation on somebody else hahaha, only joking lol.

How are you anyway? I'm feeling a bit down and dejected actually- even the bods whom I support keep a wide berth of me haha! I think that they think I operate in a murky shady area and don't take much very seriously...fair comment I suppose. How's the Swiss job? 在Exeter的一个華 oh dear having problems with chinese on this pc so will forger about it- think esther has killed another OS.

#21 Parent Beth - 2015-01-24
Re Course work assistance needed

That's quite a broad spectrum. What area of education are focusing on? If it's ESL the responses will vary from country to country. Similarly are you talking about state schooling or private schooling and what age groups?

I'm afraid I don't know anywhere you could get a model essay on such a specific subject, but you could always google it.

#22 Parent martin hainan - 2015-01-24
Re Course work assistance needed

If you wish to genuinely address these subjects, you should do the academic writing in your native language. Your English writing ability is inadequate to properly communicate your actual understanding of and perspectives on these issues.

You apparently are seeking assistance responding to an organization who wishes to evaluate your competency in the field of education. Providing them information acquired in this manner will not only exhibit your limited language ability to a competent HR manager, it may very well reveal your compromised moral compass.

My advice is to find a position where you can actually and honestly perform the work.

If however you are applying to work at a privately owned English Training company in China, please disregard my comments and cut and paste at will from the internet. No doubt your employer did as well.

Sammy - 2015-01-24
Course work assistance needed

Hi everyone,

I need suggestions/advice from anyone who is a master's degree graduate on the followings. It's about education,leadership,learning and change. Do you think my responses address the research questions? Does anyone know where I can get a model essay on education, leadership, learning and change?

1. Title:

My response: Effective leadership and its impact on schooling and learning.

2. Professional challenge

My response
- Leading in a context in which language education is perceived wrongly by stakeholders
- Dealing with a performance orientated curriculum and parents unrealistic expectations
- Local staff professional training concerns
- focusing more on the business of teaching and learning rather than dealing with more with non educational issues.
- Ever changing curriculum due to different requirements from parents.

3. Research questions

A. In what ways can effective leadership bring about a positive change in in an educational setting and how can this improve organisational learning?

B. How can school leaders effect changes and in what ways can this improve learning in an educational setting?

4. Key themes

My response.
A.Meaning and purpose of leadership

B. Connection between leadership and learning

C. The impact of leadership on student outcomes
- leaders should focus more on the business of teaching and learning in order to help students succeed.
- link between leadership and student outcomes
-leaders leaders help teachers to have a direct impact on students
-strategies to identify types of leadership impacts
- Transformational leadership versus Instructional leadership
-Integrated form of leadership
- meta-analysis & advantages- impact of different types of leadership
- high perming vs low performing schools

C. Learning how to learn and assessment for learning
- Education system to prepare students for future by building intellectual and social capital
-how Learning how to learn principles can be promoted in the classroom
- Elements of assessments for learning
- The contribution of Assessment for Learning to Learning how to learn vis-a-vis learning perspectives

D. Learning about learning
-Leaders should understand learning styles

E. Organisational learning
-How can leaders help organsational learning? to what extent should leaders involve teachers,parents and other stakeholders in school policies?

F. Strategies for effecting educational change and its complexity
- explore different meanings of change.

Thank you all for your input.


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