Return to Index › Re hope for common FT's
#1 Parent yu2fa3 - 2015-01-29
Re hope for common FT's

Rubbish, you will never get a teaching job in the UK, neither would Beth, just like I would not get an English teaching job in Australia. If you went to a university in the UK or Australia and said "I've been teaching English in China, give me a job", there would be people rolling around with laughter, they would probably even yell out "loser", "failure", "pathetic", LOL!

hahaha! I'm sure you lumping Beth in with me will endear you even more to her.

As for "loser", "failure", "pathetic", LOL! is that what you mutter to yourself in bed when yet another woman turns you down? hahaha? I mean "loser", "failure", "pathetic", LOL! rather suits a bloke after 20 years search in China comes up empty-handed, save the odd whore? only joking lol

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