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#1 Parent Beth - 2015-01-29
Re To San Migs and SB

I forgot to add, if you consider that my input isn't contributing much, pray tell what value the contributions to a teachers forum that discussions about services offered by prostitutes of various countries has to the ESL teaching community?

Or what opining that "women shouldn't talk over men" adds to any discussion since the 1950s?

Or how blindly condemning institutions you have never set foot in, have no experience of and even less knowledge about is in any way a helpful contribution?

And yet you imply that those things are more constructive than the threads I have started about YL teaching methodology (something SM once even asked for my help with directly, and which was given freely with more assistance than he deserves), classroom management, exam preparation or the posts made offering advice regarding my fields of expertise.


#2 Parent Beth - 2015-01-29
Re To San Migs and SB

I'm sure that many a foreign teacher in China that browses this board is grateful for his advice, whether they be those that prefer casual sex or those that prefer potential marriage material.
Except this is a TEACHER board, not a sex tourist board. The two are not synonymous, as much as you lot like to imply they are.
#3 Parent Beth - 2015-01-29
Re To San Migs and SB

You must have missed all the posts encouraging learners, other teachers and giving actual teaching tips... Or the threads I have started in an attempt to discuss actual teaching methodology that have been summarily derailed and/or openly abused by the likes of SB & SM... I can see how that's easily done when you have so many aliases to keep track of!

The only time I go after others is when they make the moronic statements they are so wont to make so frequently regarding women, races of people and religion. And I'm not sure that highlighting the fallacies, inconsistencies and the general ignorance behind the sweeping generalisations that they make constitutes abuse... As evidenced by the fact my posts are very, very rarely edited (I can't remember the last time one was) and are always published. Quite the opposite, in fact, of SM and SB.

#4 Parent Terry Tuppence - 2015-01-29
Re To San Migs and SB

I'd say that there's good Muslims out there and wouldn't like to hold individuals responsible for the crimes of people that happen to believe in the same god. Not saying that you are racist though.

However, there should be a little more freedom of speech on this board and if one poster is big enough to dish out abuse to other posters, they should also be able to accept a like-minded response in return!

Silverboy can appear slightly bitter at times, but he often points out things about women that are actually true, not every woman is a good person! We've all been burnt by a not so good lady at some point in our lives, but we learn from it and move on. When Silverboy points out what certain women are like, I just laugh at the memories of previous girlfriends and feel grateful that I had a lucky escape.

I'm sure that many a foreign teacher in China that browses this board is grateful for his advice, whether they be those that prefer casual sex or those that prefer potential marriage material.

San Migs can appear to be a bit (possibly unintentionally) racist and far too right wing for my personal tastes, but guess what? He has a right to his own opinion!

As for Beth... She only ever seems to abuse other posters and contributes very little. Remember that the likes of other posters such as 'martin hainan' who aren't quite as vicious and nasty in their responses have been critical of her in slightly more subtle ways.

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