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#1 Parent Beth - 2015-01-30
Re To San Migs and SB

yourself and other GW and PC types continue to contaminate this board with your "try not to offend Chinese and others
Again, please provide links as to where and when I have said this. You can't, as I haven't.

You are weak, lily-livered, and promote politically correct and deliberately non-offensive trivial rubbish and drivel on here
Again (sigh), nobody could accuse me of being weak and I don't think anybody has accuse anybody else of being lily livered since the days of Edward Teach. As for the rest, if you believe that me pointing out the glaringly obvious fact that the actions of the few do jot represent the many is "politically correct, deliberately non-offensive trival rubbish" you are in need of a dictionary again.

Oh and what, exactly, is the problem with being inoffensive? As you keep forgetting, this is a board for teachers... to discuss teaching... It's only you and your chums that feel it necessary to be offensive or to start inflammatory threads. To the rest of the rational, sane normal people that read this board it has been clear from my arrival that not only do I run rings around you intellectually (not difficult, I know. My dog probably could too), but that you are not real teachers; you have a very limited scope of experience and mainly just use this board to validate each other's sordid opinions about the world. Anyone with half a brain who reads this board can see that.

I am far from 'nicey nicey' as I think has been made abundantly clear, and the if you believe that promoting continuous professional development and doing your best for your students is something you need to "counter" then I am afraid this is just more evidence that you don't belong anywhere near a classroom and certainly shouldn't be giving advice about teaching!

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