Return to Index › Re Alternatives to China/Asia for younger people
#1 Parent martin hainan - 2015-01-30
Re Alternatives to China/Asia for younger people

In all of the People's Republic of China, since the country was founded in 1949, there have been less than 10,000 foreigners granted permanent residence. In Flushing, Queens, New York, I had more than 10,000 green card holders living on by block.

Opening, registering, and owning a business for a foreigner in China is a nightmare. Yes, you can be a partner with a Chinese citizen, but at any time your visa renewal can be denied, leaving your 'partner' as sole-owner.

If you are under 30 and coming to China for the experience, it is a wonderful opportunity to develop your skills and return home. If you are over 50 and no longer need to provide for a family and/or establish retirement income, it's an amazing country to enter your second career and 'pre-retirement'. If you are between 30 and 55 and you are successful in your own country and come here to get a piece of the world's largest market, you are not reading this forum.

But if you are young and not wealthy and you think you are going to 'build a future' here, you are mistaken.

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