Return to Index › Pull your finger out.
#1 Parent John O' Shei - 2015-02-01
Re Pull your finger out.

I guess that your previous alias got banned then?

#2 Parent Spector - 2015-02-01
Re Pull your finger out.

Quite right mate, me think some of these lot protest too much. After I was fired from cleaning the bogs at Total Fitness in Warrington, I did not hang around, no, not one jot. Bag packed and off to Thailand I was from Manchester Airport, quicker than a greyhound after a rabbit.It is best not to procrastinate too long is it, much like many other things ending in "ate" that might result in blindness and hairy palms.No, no, I am under the impression that a sunny beach in Thailand or a toasty warm room in Shandong is far better than languishing on the dole as an unemployed bog cleaner, dui bu dui?

yu2fa3 - 2015-01-30
Pull your finger out.

Don't wait until jobs come to you, get out there and knock on doors. Especially if you know exactly the area you would prefer to teach. For example (if you're a bit of a lecherous old guy) you might want to go to Nanning, Guangxi. Well, if you're like me, Mr T or SB and fluent in Chinese you could just phone up all the schools in Nanning with gay abandon. Not enough effort is put in by the down at heel FT. Which is why they are down at heel.

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