Return to Index › Re Alternatives to China/Asia for younger people
#1 Parent Beth - 2015-01-30
Re Alternatives to China/Asia for younger people

How I have not ended up banging a Mexican exchange student/Spanish language teacher I don't know. I think I have amazing self-control for an apparently misogynistic person.

Considering I've never called "Terry Tuppence" a misogynist all you have done with this post is confirm that you are yet another alias of either SB or SM. I truly hope it's SM as otherwise SB is literally having a conversation with himself.

A misogynist is somebody who hates, distrusts or denigrates women or who sexually objectifies them. You are the text book definition of one based on your posts under this nom de jour and definitely so under the guise of SB or SM, whichever you turn out to be!

#2 Parent Terry Tuppence - 2015-01-30
Re Alternatives to China/Asia for younger people

Some people say that Silverboy is never positive? I really disagree!

However, I'd also consider suggesting some places in Latin America and so on. Not that those places are perfect, but some people have a nice time.

I'd probably get addicted to the cheap coke and the curvy arses though. More so the arses. How I have not ended up banging a Mexican exchange student/Spanish language teacher I don't know. I think I have amazing self-control for an apparently misogynistic person.

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