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#1 Parent yu2fa3 - 2015-02-01
Re quitting my esl job in China - need advice

Glad to have helped, but working on a tourist visa is no way to go. Guangdong is one of the worst provinces for foreigners now, they know that too many backpacking ne'er do wells from Thailand have ended up there. That is not to say all backpackers or bad, or that I dislike Guangdong, it is just their visa regulations are very tightly wound. I heard on the old grapevine that the Hong Kong visa run is no longer doable from there, you will be refused one, whereas in another province you may be able to get that much coveted Z visa at china resources in Hong Kong. I'd rather be on a business visa if it was me though, if they find out anything, you could be in a pile of shyte. good luck though, spector

You sound a bit of a street-wiser. Do you think it's easier to get married in China and simply work unofficially, than ponse around with Z visas? All this red tape is very annoying ,don't you think?

I bet that cleaning career provided you with a wealth of lesson plans? Take 'toilet brush' for instance...not the same as brush with the toilet or brush with the law....or even entering the brush to relieve yourself. That's a whole hour long lesson plan revolving around the modest brush. Processed food for thought I'd say hahaha!

#2 Parent Spector - 2015-02-01
Re quitting my esl job in China - need advice

Glad to have helped, but working on a tourist visa is no way to go. Guangdong is one of the worst provinces for foreigners now, they know that too many backpacking ne'er do wells from Thailand have ended up there. That is not to say all backpackers or bad, or that I dislike Guangdong, it is just their visa regulations are very tightly wound. I heard on the old grapevine that the Hong Kong visa run is no longer doable from there, you will be refused one, whereas in another province you may be able to get that much coveted Z visa at china resources in Hong Kong. I'd rather be on a business visa if it was me though, if they find out anything, you could be in a pile of shyte. good luck though, spector

#3 Parent Sponge - 2015-01-31
Re quitting my esl job in China - need advice

Thank you for the replies! I feel like a huge weight is lifted off my shoulders. I still have a tourist visa that is good for another year, which I should be able to renew. If we do online business, my wife's name will be on the paper trail for getting paid and all that. Once again, Thank you.

#4 Parent San Migs - 2015-01-31
Re quitting my esl job in China - need advice

Yes, Hong Kong is more expensive, as I am bloody well there.

I would stay in Guangdong or consider working in Taiwan, as I am. You can save on a teaching salary there and it is cheaper than Hong Kong and Mainland China.

Good luck.

#5 Parent Terry Tuppence - 2015-01-31
Re quitting my esl job in China - need advice

Well as far as quitting the job is concerned, you can pretty much leave without any consequence, you are employed illegally.

I'd even suggest that the Chinese will have far more of struggle trying to get money from you than you will have trying to get out. There's only one thing that you need to do - not hand over a single penny.

I'd suggest getting a business visa from somewhere else or if you are really desperate, just sign up to study Chinese and get a student visa until you get the business visa from a business involved with anything that you do, such as a supplier.

#6 Parent martin hainan - 2015-01-31
Re quitting my esl job in China - need advice

Since you have not received a legitimate residency permit, their contract - if it specifies a salary - is illegal.

There is a database for reporting teachers that break contracts, but since they apparently are not licensed yet to legally hire FTs they do not have access to it.

They can, however, cancel your visa by notifying the authorities that you are no longer 'consulting' for them. If you do leave China after the time that your visa was cancelled, it will be noted on your passport.

I do not have the expertise to comment on your HK wife's ability to do business and reside in Hong Kong. You cannot legally do either.

Sponge - 2015-01-30
quitting my esl job in China - need advice

Hello everyone.

I came to China(Guangdong Province) to teach ESL so I could marry my Chinese girlfriend and be together. Well, it turns out I don't like teaching at all and I want to quit. Teaching may not be so bad but this training center is a nightmare and really ruined any desire to teach again.

I signed a 1 year contract and it says I have to pay 10000rmb to get out of the contract. What would happen if I just cut and ran without paying the money? Keep in mind I am on a business visa so technically it is illegal to teach and get paid for it. Will they really report me to the government and admit that they are hiring teachers and paying them without the proper visa? I do not use their provided housing. I have my own apartment here with my wife that I would like to continue living in. I don't care about my reputation or teaching again. We have already begun to start an online business.

Lastly, what will become of my business visa? Can they take it away? I should add that my wife is a Hong Kong citizen, not a mainland citizen so I need to keep the business visa. Hong Kong is a lot more expensive so that is why we want to stay in mainland.

Thanks for any help or advice.


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