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#1 Parent Beth - 2015-02-03
Re Greetings, Beth

I know! I didn't like to point it out; I've given Turnoi enough free grammar lessons already!! :D

#2 Parent Beth - 2015-02-02
Re Greetings, Beth

Best comments about teaching? With his attitude towards learners? When he didn't know what classroom management was? Hysterical!

But then I guess I can't expect the tourist-teachers/conversation teachers that pollute this board to understand the difference!

#3 Parent Somebody - 2015-02-02
Re Greetings, Beth

Turnoi complimenting Turnoi. Lol.

Leaving aside the grammatical error:

Also, he was around on this board long before you was, Beth.
#4 Parent John O'Shei - 2015-02-02
Re Greetings, Beth

If anything, Martin writes some of the best comments about teaching here.

Also, he was around on this board long before you was, Beth.

#5 Parent Beth - 2015-02-01
Re Greetings, Beth

Not at all.

But then you're another of the jokes I am talking about. Anyone who thinks that what SB and SM promote is what real ESL teaching is, over what I have said real teaching is, is just another troll troupe member worthy of little but contempt. And any real teacher knows that to be the case.

All I have seen from you so far is wanton disregard for L2 learners, a blind animosity towards anything I post and blind support of anything my detractors post... Oh And let's not forget your inability to respond to actual teaching discussion topics and the fact you didn't know what classroom management was. You are clearly an alias of one of the troll troupe and you appeared shortly after Turnoi's departure. Not suspicious at all!

#6 Parent martin hainan - 2015-02-01
Re Greetings, Beth

And along the way I will take small breaks to parody or lampoon them, because whilst showing
them up for the jokes that they are is necessary to let people know they do not stand
for what real ESL teaching is, sometimes a little parody is fun.

Sweet sentence! Self-parody?

#7 Parent Beth - 2015-02-01
Re Greetings, Beth

Thanks, I will always speak out against the old boys club on this forum. I will always counter their sordid opinions with rationality and fact and their bias with balance.

And along the way I will take small breaks to parody or lampoon them, because whilst showing them up for the jokes that they are is necessary to let people know they do not stand for what real ESL teaching is, sometimes a little parody is fun.

Although, I do realise my recent thread may be a little too close to the truth in order to be truly considered parody!

Curious - 2015-02-01
Greetings, Beth

I like this quote. It only applies in part to the debates on this forum, but that "in part" is meaningful to me:

"Whether on issues, like transgender rights, that extend from gay rights, or on older debates over rape and chauvinism, there’s a renewed sense that what happens in relatively cloistered environments can have wide ripples, and that taking firm control of a cultural narrative can matter much more than anything that goes on in Washington."

Keep taking firm control of your narrative, Beth. Many of us have your back!!!

More than you think!

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