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#1 Parent Beth - 2015-02-09
Re TOEFL answers leaked, sold on WeChat

I'm not.

I was giving an insight in to how international language exams are managed. Offering actual facts, rather than the guess work and supposition you lot are so used to.

And what's with all the new aliases?! Did you post enough nonsense under Silverboy and San Migs that you thought you'd try for a clean(er) slate under Sharp and Spector?!

#2 Parent Sharp - 2015-02-08
Re TOEFL answers leaked, sold on WeChat

TOEFL isn't either ESOL or IELTS. So, let's not "imagine" or ignore topics on forums, shall we?

#3 Parent Beth - 2015-02-06
Re TOEFL answers leaked, sold on WeChat

See through which poster? Myself or the OP?!

I don't think I was ignoring any news, just offering insight to how ESOL and IELTS exams are handled in order to minimise the chance of the cheating outlined in the link.

I don't know if TOEFL is managed ddifferently, but I can't imagine it is.

#4 Parent Sharp - 2015-02-06
Re TOEFL answers leaked, sold on WeChat

Ignoring such news about the proficiency tests is more than ignorant; responding with such polarizing messages on the topic is dull. Professional teachers that read this board can see through this poster.

#5 Parent Beth - 2015-02-04
Re TOEFL answers leaked, sold on WeChat

I don't teach TOEFL, but if it's anything like the ESOL this is a bit of a non-story as different versions of the exams are used on different days and new exams are produced every academic year to prevent this sort of cheating. Also, invigilators don't see the exams prior to students sitting the exam; exams are in sealed bags along with candidate information sheets and they must be opened in front of the students in the exam room. Any tampering with the seal and Cambridge nullify all the completed exams inside.

This means that if someone did leak the content of an exam it would be highly unlikely that anyone sitting the exam on another day would have that same exam.

Like I said, I don't teach TOEFL but I would assume it follows a similar exam process as IELTS and ESOL.

And again (sigh), you are highlighting the profit side of things... Everything costs these days, nothing is free. Do you work for free? No, didn't think so. So your wage must be paid by tuition fees, the same way the cost of hiring academics year round to research and develop new exams and then people to grade them is obtained via exam fees. It really is quite simple, shocking you lot can't grasp it really!

And before the inevitable war cry of "education should be free or provided for free by the state!"... it's not free, it's paid for through tax.

martin hainan - 2015-02-04
TOEFL answers leaked, sold on WeChat


"work conducted by ETS is carried out by such wholly owned, for-profit subsidiaries as Prometric, ETS Global BV, ETS China, and ETS Canada."

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