Return to Index › Don't hate all the Chinese
#1 Parent Spector - 2015-02-08
Re Don't hate all the Chinese

I think that is more a neighbourly dispute than overt racism.

I knew of a chinese girl who lived in Sydney, and apart from a few comments of go home to china, she did not have any really bad experiences. I think Australia is one of the more open and welcoming countries. Try some of the small towns or villages in the north of england and wales, if you want to see real parochialism and racism.

#2 Parent Spector - 2015-02-08
Re Don't hate all the Chinese

They're figure heads, that's all! They have zero political or governance power!

The extent to which your world views have twisted is truly shocking.

And why the new name? It doesn't impress anyone and we all know whatever name you use the bigotry and misogyny are bubbling just under the surface.


Ever seen the documentary, unlawful killing (at link above), which is banned in the UK.You think you are free, you are not.That's right, an independent documentary that can only be found via torrent sites,and is not allowed on rental nor sale on dvd in the UK.I also wonder what the police would do if they found a copy on your computer in the UK, given the new hate crime and internet laws there.The Queen has more political power than you might think, she is still the head of the commonwealth (read code to continue the old british empire in another form!) and in India they sweep the streets for her and have the kids line up to give her flowers.They are relics of another era, they can keep their figure head position if they wish, but we should have a president, or even discuss the idea of certain parts of England seceding from the united kingdom. I would like to see greater manchester do so in actuality, and issue passports.Given that greater manchester has an economy as good or greater than Wales, I am pretty sure that they and other parts of the UK could go it alone, without the monarchy.

What new name? And what effing bigotry?

#3 Parent sam - 2015-02-07
Re Don't hate all the Chinese

Xièxie Beth!

#4 Parent aq - 2015-02-07
Re Don't hate all the Chinese

It is not the same in every country either. The United States, Australia, England, they have welcomed people from all over the world to live there. Has China???? NO, NO, NO!

Watch this video. This does NOT happen in China.

Australia is a great country and this should not happen there.

#5 Parent Beth - 2015-02-07
Re Don't hate all the Chinese

What power?!

They're figure heads, that's all! They have zero political or governance power!

The extent to which your world views have twisted is truly shocking.

And why the new name? It doesn't impress anyone and we all know whatever name you use the bigotry and misogyny are bubbling just under the surface.

#6 Parent Spector - 2015-02-07
Re Don't hate all the Chinese

Maybe I am not happy with how the princess diana case and inquiry turned out, call me a conspiracy theorist, but I honestly believe the SAS/or other secret services were involved. It scares me what lengths the royals will go to, to stay in power actually.

#7 Parent James Milken - 2015-02-07
Re Don't hate all the Chinese

In other words you are basically saying Han Chinese are racial exclusivists and therefore they are very racist. Han Chinese ARE very racist, and [edited]. "No room for foreigners", another racist statement.

It is not the same in every country either. The United States, Australia, England, they have welcomed people from all over the world to live there. Has China???? NO, NO, NO!

#8 Parent aq - 2015-02-06
Re Don't hate all the Chinese

Not your war.

Chinese are very capable of sorting out their own affairs.

#9 Parent aq - 2015-02-06
Re Don't hate all the Chinese

The problem is, most people that I meet in China are bad people, xenophobic and racist above
all, they try to hide it but I have been here long enough to see clear in their game,
when faced with their BS they play the card of "you don't understand Chinese
culture" LOL

Han Chinese account for 91.59% of the overall Chinese population 1.2 billion. It's not a dictatorship, it's a Chinese theocracy with no room for foreigners and non-Han Chinese. All the contries in the world do the same.
#10 Parent yu2fa3 - 2015-02-06
Re Don't hate all the Chinese

Sorry, but I still don't buy the china NEEDS communism argument. It was a republic (like Taiwan is now) in 1921. It was through the fault of the fat spoiled peadophile son of a pig farmer, egged on by Soviet communists in Shanghai, that China became a communist country. Talk about how china dislikes foreign interference, what an irony, marxism is a european jewish ideology.

These brainwashed, handpicked for the leftie C4 channel certainly were well picked, it's the only system that works


BS,look at nordic countries, they have good welfare and good companies, Sweden for examply, admittedly a higher tax, but the nordic model works well. How a system like communism or marxism works well, where the workers get paid MORE than the boss, and the boss cannot go on in business is beyond me.

aPOLOGY not needed hahaha! but well-written post San Migs.

As for the Royal Family. They are head of the main Christian Church. Sadly Islam will become the main religion and they)(the family) will be votes out anyway. too late in the day to worry about the queen mate. the main population will not want a white figurehead and who can blame them =the queen will not be representative of the greater populataion. Forget about the quenn or her hubby or successors she/they can't last long. Sorry about my english, Esther does not agree with me hahaha!

#11 Parent Beth - 2015-02-06
Re Don't hate all the Chinese

The UK may have a monarchy, but the have zero actual political or governing power.

90% of the world's media is controlled by one of 6 corporations, and only one of them has notable British ties, that being the companies associated with Robert Maxwell.

Any swearing of oaths or fealty are for show these days; us brits do do tradition quite well.

Do not think for a moment simply because we have a royal family that they have anything to do with how the country is run. They are figure heads, mainly there to bring in dumb yank tourists who flock in their droves to get a glimpse of them.

#12 Parent Spector - 2015-02-06
Re Don't hate all the Chinese

Sorry, but I still don't buy the china NEEDS communism argument. It was a republic (like Taiwan is now) in 1921. It was through the fault of the fat spoiled peadophile son of a pig farmer, egged on by Soviet communists in Shanghai, that China became a communist country. Talk about how china dislikes foreign interference, what an irony, marxism is a european jewish ideology.

These brainwashed, handpicked for the leftie C4 channel certainly were well picked, it's the only system that works


BS,look at nordic countries, they have good welfare and good companies, Sweden for examply, admittedly a higher tax, but the nordic model works well. How a system like communism or marxism works well, where the workers get paid MORE than the boss, and the boss cannot go on in business is beyond me.

#13 Parent Spector - 2015-02-06
Re Don't hate all the Chinese

Beth, the UK is not a democracy, prince phil is not even british.

Want to be an editor of a newspaper? Must love the queen!

Want to join the secret services? Must sign an oath to the queen.

The UK needs a total dictator, someone not like mao, but more like Franco, make the UK a republic and shoot the commie terrorists.

#14 Parent TheUltraNationalisticInsecureChinese - 2015-02-05
Re Don't hate all the Chinese

The problem is, most people that I meet in China are bad people, xenophobic and racist above all, they try to hide it but I have been here long enough to see clear in their game, when faced with their BS they play the card of "you don't understand Chinese culture" LOL.

Let alone those I don't interact with (well except to tell them to shut the fuck up) but who enjoy making fun of that foreigner, "look how tall, his skin is so fair, what a big... nose", because they think that it's no racism, there is no such thing as racism in China right? For racism to exist you need to live in a multicultural society, that's what Chinese say. When asked if giggling at foreigners because... they are foreigners is racist, they claim it isn't, it is cute innocent curiosity and "cultural differences", however when foreigners make fun of Chinese people it's always racist, because foreigners come from Foreignland a country that has many races, thus they can be racist.

#15 Parent Beth - 2015-02-04
Re Don't hate all the Chinese

Pot, kettle, black... Anyone?!

#16 Parent Beth - 2015-02-04
Re Don't hate all the Chinese

Because America isn't self-important or egotistical at all...

As for a democracy, don't make me laugh! Most of your voters don't have a clue what they're voting for. Election campaigns are bought and sold by ccorporations; coke just threw 500mil at the GoP so long as they get to endorse a specific candidate (buh bye Romney!)... Even if the party with the majority vote for get in to the white house, the senate can block or veto any policies they try to make!

Your laws of free speech only extend to what the government wants you to know (just ask Ed Snowden) and the majority of Americans have never traveled outside of their own state!

your posts are very much a case of people in glass houses shouldn't be throwing stones.

Oh and I'm not Chinese, so by your own requirements I am allowed to point as many fingers as I like at the US!

#17 Parent yu2fa3 - 2015-02-04
Re Don't hate all the Chinese

Most American people don't care about or even think about China.

So what!!?

China has a government which suits the country at the moment. However their lack of democracy, in the main, allows women and children and all people to walk the streets late unmolested. In the west there's always some drunk or Islamic terrorist eager to split you in two with a meat cleaver. Not half so risky in China.

#18 Parent yu2fa3 - 2015-02-04
Re Don't hate all the Chinese

pinyin): Shī fu lǐng jìn mén, xiū xíng zài gè rén.
Meaning: Teachers open the door. You enter by yourself.

Good pinyin, good translation. And you can lead a horse to water but you can't make him drink, the teacher might add. I feel a bit like that concerning a poster on this site who can't find a woman. I can only advise where he's going wrong.

#19 Parent Matthew Johnston - 2015-02-04
Re Don't hate all the Chinese

Most American people don't care about or even think about China. And why should they? They have their own problems and concerns. Chinese people are way too egotistical and full of self-importance. When their country becomes a democracy and a proper rule of law is implemented they can start pointing the finger at the USA.

#20 Parent Article - 2015-02-04
Re Don't hate all the Chinese

Dear Chinese Media: Americans Don’t Hate You, We Just Can’t Find You on a Map - An open letter to those overthinking our relationship.

#21 Parent aq - 2015-02-04
Re Don't hate all the Chinese

Any racism is pointless.

agreed. agreed

(pinyin): Shī fu lǐng jìn mén, xiū xíng zài gè rén.
Meaning: Teachers open the door. You enter by yourself.

#22 Parent aq - 2015-02-04
Re Don't hate all the Chinese

so why do so many Chinese hate the Japanese! oh it is because you are told you must but in truth more Chinese were killed by your so called heroes

Change the way you think. We do not see things the way they are; we see things the way we are.
#23 Parent Matthew Johnston - 2015-02-04
Re Don't hate all the Chinese

You Chinese need to check yourselves and do something about your virulent racism toward others. You also have a superiority complex and a victim mentality. Only you can change your attitude!

#24 Parent aq - 2015-02-04
Re Don't hate all the Chinese

When written in Chinese, the word crisis is composed of two characters. One represents danger and the other represents opportunity.
- John F. Kennedy

#25 Parent Beth - 2015-02-03
Re Don't hate all the Chinese

Any racism is pointless.

#26 Parent Chen - 2015-02-03
Re Don't hate all the Chinese

so why do so many Chinese hate the Japanese! oh it is because you are told you must but in truth more Chinese were killed by your so called heroes

#27 Parent Beth - 2015-02-03
Re Don't hate all the Chinese

Exactly what I've been saying for years, Sam! Unfortunately that sentiment completely falls on deaf ears here.

sam - 2015-02-03
Don't hate all the Chinese

just because you've met bad Chinese school bosses that doesn't mean you have to judge every Chinese the same way.

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