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#1 Parent Spector - 2015-02-09
Re Beware of chinese girls

Because your concern should be for their education.

It is, but China is not the UK. My concern for them is within the confines of the chinese education system and their values, not yours. Chinese professors date their students while they are teaching them, but I do not do that. You have selective reading skills it would seem, EX student see, like EX girlfriend and so on. Meaning not my student now, at present, this moment in time. A former student, not a current student. [edited]

You are there to teach them, not groom them.

Right, and teach them I do. Groom implies peadophilia, a serious statement from you btw.

I am far from a prude.

Fair enough.

#2 Parent James Milken - 2015-02-09
Re Beware of chinese girls

I would say foreign teachers or Chinese ones also should avoid having relationships, sexual or otherwise with students in the same department as them at universities, for foreigners in China that usually means the English department. For an FT to have a relationship with an older post-graduate student or a fourth year student, well that is normal and healthy I feel. Many teachers have love affairs with students at their universities. I mean, we can't help who we fall in love with sometimes, right?

I think most people would agree though that ones own students should be off limits, and for me anyway I don't put myself in temptations way, I mean by not inviting my own students to my apartment. Only post-grad girls or third or fourth year girls from another department. You point about other FT's students is irrelevant in that context.

#3 Parent yu2fa3 - 2015-02-08
Re Beware of chinese girls

The only thing a teacher should not do is have sex with their own students. Whilst not immoral, it is certainly unprofessional

Hahaha! so wot you are saying is that you should have sex with another FT's students. and that would make it professional? Should you ask permission from the other FT and offer him compensation or just nick his students for sex? In any event, all wishful thinking methinks.

#4 Parent James Milken - 2015-02-08
Re Beware of chinese girls

I am inclined to agree with you. There is nothing wrong with an FT having a relationship with a former student at his university, a sexual relationship or otherwise. It is the business of nobody except the two individuals involved. The only thing a teacher should not do is have sex with their own students. Whilst not immoral, it is certainly unprofessional. There might be certain conflicts of interest also. I know some foreigners who have had girlfriends at their own universities, but they were older and not English major students ( they were Chinese majors or some other thing like computing or accounting ) I think guys over 40 should only date students around the 24 to 30 year old range, but that's just my opinion. Maybe someone like the Silverboy poster would disagree.

#5 Parent Beth - 2015-02-08
Re Beware of chinese girls

Because your concern should be for their education. You are there to teach them, not groom them.

I am far from a prude. I am professional enough however to separate my private life from my work.

#6 Parent yu2fa3 - 2015-02-08
Re Beware of chinese girls

What is wrong with a male FT getting a phone number, and then dating said student, when she is his EX note EX student.

We have another poster who tried that but when he rings them up they send him links for Burberry handbags hahaha! Do you think if the said poster (apropos revelations by 'the_baker' on degreediscussion.com) ceased to stuff down steak pies they would settle for some old tat in the market? Hahaha! only joking lol.

#7 Parent Spector - 2015-02-08
Re Beware of chinese girls

"I only like to teach girls because that way I can get their numbers and meet them later for sex."

What is wrong with a male FT getting a phone number, and then dating said student, when she is his EX note EX student. IE, no longer at the same college where he is a teacher, or after he has left that college.

You do come across as a prude at times.

#8 Parent Beth - 2015-02-07
Re Beware of chinese girls

I don't need to. You attitude towards women is proof enough on it's own!

"A woman shouldn't ever talk over a man"
"I only like to teach girls because that way I can get their numbers and meet them later for sex."
"A woman is just not as capable as a man"
"when women start demanding men to do things and being outrageously bossy, then I draw a line."

- yeah, they must be lining up round the block to date you!

#9 Parent Spector - 2015-02-07
Re Beware of chinese girls

You would like to prove that, wouldn't you?

#10 Parent Beth - 2015-02-03
Re Beware of chinese girls

It could be that you need direction and guidance on how to present yourself and behave towards women.
Something quite a few on here need (a lot of) help with!!
#11 Parent yu2fa3 - 2015-02-03
Re Beware of chinese girls

There is big risk you could end up broke and homeless if you marry a Chinese girl. Chinese women are greedy, lazy, selfish, and materialistic. Chinese women like only two things, marriage and money. If they get married it is only for money. Chinese women are nothing but glorified prostitutes, and should be treated as such.

Hahaha, no changes owing to marriage of an FT's financial status and home ownership there then, for most of us. Take the new poster Spector(and many of us are like him) He's had the initiative to quit cleaning out toilets in Scunthorpe or somewhere and is going to try his luck in China as an FT. He has nothing to lose; he may well land a nice little catch like I did-send her out to work and live off the fat of the land. Of course I ended up with a baby to look after...but she's more pleasure than trial in my dotage. Tonight, her-who-comes-back-home-every-night brought me a new Kindle Fire HD, she said I may need it on our soon-coming Chinese holiday she has paid for in its entirety.

It could be that you need direction and guidance on how to present yourself and behave towards women. It could be that you are only attracting the gold-diggers because you have a big beer-gut or something correctable? Always ask me for advice. Pride comes before a fall.

#12 Parent Somebody - 2015-02-03
Re Beware of chinese girls

My only question here is which of our resident misogynists posted this: San Migs or Silverboy?

Probably San Migs, since the SB claims to be away.

Again, I can't believe the moderators read this stuff and let it through.

#13 Parent Mathhew Johnston - 2015-02-03
Re Beware of chinese girls

There is big risk you could end up broke and homeless if you marry a Chinese girl. Chinese women are greedy, lazy, selfish, and materialistic. Chinese women like only two things, marriage and money. If they get married it is only for money. Chinese women are nothing but glorified prostitutes, and should be treated as such.

#14 Parent yu2fa3 - 2015-02-02
Re: Beware of chinese girls

s she your first child? (I am not after any private/identity info, here - but feel totally free not to answer)

Oh, I'm not concerned with that. I have an ex-wife who is on friendly terms with current wife. Also a grown up son and daughter, and we are all on good terms. Baby sister has been well accepted.

Her birthday party on Sunday. She even has a violinist friend coming to play for her. She likes good music but is sometimes in bad taste- she was bobbing up and down to this gay little Chopin tune the other day hahaha! https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=30OIz2t7h9s

She has never heard pop music. Well only accidentally - we don't watch TV. Wife does though but only Chinese streaming video.

#15 Parent Beth - 2015-02-02
Re: Beware of chinese girls

She is adorable! You are a lucky man indeed!! :)

#16 Parent Fifi - 2015-02-02
Re: Beware of chinese girls

Is she your first child? (I am not after any private/identity info, here - but feel totally free not to answer)

#17 Parent yu2fa3 - 2015-02-02
Re: Beware of chinese girls

David, she is changing you big time.
I would even go as far as to say that she is turning you into a human being...
But let's see....

hahaha! not sure what that means fifi. Am I suspected of being a 'Red John' who has seen the error of his ways?

Never, mind, maybe Esther will lie in bed tonight and realise what a dog I am. I have just taken her for all her yearly jabs (few days in advance) plus travel jabs, and she wasn't best pleased with me holding her down.

#18 Parent Fifi - 2015-02-02
Re: Beware of chinese girls

David, she is changing you big time.
I would even go as far as to say that she is turning you into a human being...
But let's see....

yu2fa3 - 2015-02-02
Beware of chinese girls

There is every risk of becoming a kept man if you marry a Chinese girl. They swan off to work and have a gay old time with their colleagues and you're at home with the baby. Just because they give you money they think it's all right!! Hard work being left at home I can tell you!

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