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#1 Parent Fifi - 2015-02-13
Re: Re NYT article "China Tells Schools to Suppress Western Ideas, With One Big Exception"

Have a safe and pleasant trip, the 3 of you.

#2 Parent yu2fa3 - 2015-02-13
Re: Re NYT article "China Tells Schools to Suppress Western Ideas, With One Big Exception"

Oh sorry, I was impressed with your English if you had been Japanese..I'm still impressed. My last post for now as the hour approaches.

#3 Parent Fifi - 2015-02-13
Re: Re NYT article "China Tells Schools to Suppress Western Ideas, With One Big Exception"

Hi hi... No, I am not Japanese but the taxi driver compared me to a Japanese peasant as a way to show his disdain, he was trying to insult me. I assumed from what he told me that the Japanese peasants who go to Cairo as tourists are rather uneducated and can't understand the value of the pyramids, they only see a pile of old stone blocks. And maybe like me, they don't want to get out of the airconditioned taxi cab and risk walking 1 hour in the sun at 120-140F.

#4 Parent Sharp - 2015-02-12
Re NYT article "China Tells Schools to Suppress Western Ideas, With One Big Exception"

The minister clearly fears any changes to the rote memorization approach and other educational values than his system offers. He is obviously acting on the direction from his superior, and he is most certainly fighting to keep his job and the schooling unchanged so that party members stay where they are. Pointing to foreign devils is always better than suggesting academic changes are necessary. Brainwashing, or shall i say programming, the young generation is the best way to be sure that nobody in the near future will challenge the powers. Critical thinking skills must not be introduced to students, since they may open up the minds that have been set on the red automated pilot.

#5 Parent : yu2fa3 - 2015-02-12
Re: Re NYT article "China Tells Schools to Suppress Western Ideas, With One Big Exception"

I agree

#6 Parent Spector - 2015-02-12
Re: Re NYT article "China Tells Schools to Suppress Western Ideas, With One Big Exception"

Well I hope the UK police will also make up their quotas by arresting Islamics for making anti-women or anti-homosexual comments.

that was the point I was trying to make. A non muslim makes a comment about muslims, you are sure to be arrested. A muslim goes in the street and burns a british or american or israeli flag and nothing can be done.


A policeman is a policeman. Imagine if a white police officer or jewish police officer said they would refuse to guard the Saudi embassy or the Pakistan embassy?

#7 Parent yu2fa3 - 2015-02-11
Re: Re NYT article "China Tells Schools to Suppress Western Ideas, With One Big Exception"

The french (unlike the british police) do not tolerate fools gladly. Neither do the spanish police. Whereas the police in the UK will arrest you if you make an anti islamic comment or issue you a ticket for speeding to fulfill their quotas, the french and spanish police will give as good as they get, unless you are nice to them also.

Well I hope the UK police will also make up their quotas by arresting Islamics for making anti-women or anti-homosexual comments. Of course that would mean some two million would be arrested overnight. I bet the Muslims pray for the day when they can get rid of the Queen and the reliant constitution though.

#8 Parent San Migs - 2015-02-11
Re: Re NYT article "China Tells Schools to Suppress Western Ideas, With One Big Exception"

The french (unlike the british police) do not tolerate fools gladly. Neither do the spanish police. Whereas the police in the UK will arrest you if you make an anti islamic comment or issue you a ticket for speeding to fulfill their quotas, the french and spanish police will give as good as they get, unless you are nice to them also.

#9 Parent yu2fa3 - 2015-02-11
Re: Re NYT article "China Tells Schools to Suppress Western Ideas, With One Big Exception"

He then told me that I was like a "Japanese peasant",

Blow me, so you're Japanese, and I though you were a cat or a chihuahua hahaha! But I suppose fifi does sound a bit Japanese. I want to congratulate you for your English which is a lot better than our resident linguist. Good name though, rare name for a person, whereas David is a common as muck.

#10 Parent Fifi - 2015-02-11
Re: Re NYT article "China Tells Schools to Suppress Western Ideas, With One Big Exception"

Reminds me of myself 2 decades ago at the Pyramids near Cairo: I asked the taxi driver to take me back to my hotel because I felt it was really too hot for me outside the cab (sunny, around 125F). He then told me that I was like a "Japanese peasant", and, disappointed that a tourist would refuse to visit the pyramids, drove me back to my air conditioned hotel where I enjoyed watching CNN in my 68F curtain-closed room. So, yes, I can understand how the French react to the Chinese.

I read somewhere recently that China sent a few hundred Chinese police officers to Paris (part of a cultural exchange between China and France) in order to help the Chinese tourists in Paris, mostly those who have their wallet stolen by pickpockets. Reason: It seems that Paris police officers are as rude to the Chinese tourists as the latter are to their French hosts.

#11 Parent Spector - 2015-02-11
Re NYT article "China Tells Schools to Suppress Western Ideas, With One Big Exception"

The french apparently detest them for their ostentatious displays of wealth and rudeness when buying designer items in paris. I do believe the Chinese government is issuing etiquette handbooks with guidelines such as when in Europe, you must look the salesman/woman in the eye and hand the cash over politely, but good luck with that.Given treating a lesser worker in their own country as a slave or lesser human is acceptable, it will take time to change them. A recent article in the SCMP compared them to the newly rich russians after the collapse of the USSR, wealthy, but with no manners or politeness or style. The new rich, so to say.

#12 Parent James Milken - 2015-02-10
Re NYT article "China Tells Schools to Suppress Western Ideas, With One Big Exception"

It seems there is little hope for China and it's people. And it's not only their neighbours who hate them, it is a worldwide problem they must deal with. China has a terrible reputation all over the planet.

#13 Parent Spector - 2015-02-10
Re NYT article "China Tells Schools to Suppress Western Ideas, With One Big Exception"

All you can do is just laugh at these silly old Chinese government goons who want their people to remain enslaved!

Right on again. Any threat to the control of the chinese capitalist,ooops communist party must not be allowed. But lets ignore the 150 million people living on 1 USD a day, choking pollution, rising property prices, and the fact that practically every SE asian neighbour dislikes us. Scapegoating!!!

#14 Parent martin hainan - 2015-02-10
Re NYT article "China Tells Schools to Suppress Western Ideas, With One Big Exception"

Fear not! China's private English language schools champion the Western Free Market values of union-busting, corporate limits of liability, obfuscation of actual ownership, contractual benefit-less employment of immigrant labor, advertising and recruitment fraud, and willful disregard of consumer satisfaction.
Wall-Street English Indeed.

#15 Parent James Milken - 2015-02-10
Re NYT article "China Tells Schools to Suppress Western Ideas, With One Big Exception"

Rule of law, human rights, freedom of speech, freedom of the press, yes, Western values are so terrible! All you can do is just laugh at these silly old Chinese government goons who want their people to remain enslaved!

Curious - 2015-02-10
NYT article "China Tells Schools to Suppress Western Ideas, With One Big Exception"

Like Beth would say: Sigh!!!

...foreign enemies plotting a stealthy academic invasion of Chinese universities.

So says China’s education minister, Yuan Guiren, who has been issuing dire alarms about the threat of foreign ideas on the nation’s college campuses, calling for a ban on textbooks that promote Western values and forbidding criticism of the Communist Party’s leadership in the classroom.

“Young teachers and students are key targets of infiltration by enemy forces,” he wrote on Feb. 2 in the elite party journal “Seeking Truth,” explaining that “some countries,” fearful of China’s rise, “have stepped up infiltration in more discreet and diverse ways.”

But the government’s latest attempts to tighten controls over the nation’s intellectual discourse have raised concerns — and elicited rare open criticism — among teachers and students who reject the idea that foreign pedagogy and textbooks pose a threat to the government’s survival.

He recently described Chinese schools as the “ideological front line” in a battle against concepts like rule of law, civil society and human rights. Any “wrong talk” in social science and philosophy forums, he said, must be silenced.

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