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#1 Parent San Migs - 2015-02-28
Re who's on first?

Quite right.

Just this morning I passed one in Hong Kong, in a vain effort to appeal to the local market, they are selling themselves as EF:Englishtown, as if to make it sound like a community. I feel sorry for any students that get suckered in. The sickening part is there are most likely some young aussies and brits and others working there who are convinced that they have a career, and that EF will always be there for them.Pathetic, now then time to limber up, do the EF corporate monkey dance every day, it is true, check below:


EF weasels are too funny, don't know whether to laugh or.....

#2 Parent Beth - 2015-02-10
Re who's on first?

Another alias, Turnoi?! If you're going to post under aliases in order to make it look like more people than SB and SM agree with you, at least try to alter your syntax! (insert sardonic eye rolling here and pointing at "funny schools" and "parasites of society" as clear indicators of the real author)

And I'm not twisting words. You say education should be free and my point is that is not. Tax funded school or tuition fee funded, it is not free.

And for your information (again) most private schools offer scholarships to low income families. You really don't have a clue what you're talking about when it comes to the vast majority of private schools, especially those outside of China. Big franchises like EF don't, and that's wrong, but you're making sweeping generalisations again, not to mention comparing two different things.

Primary and secondary education is compulsory in the developed world, and state schools are government (tax) funded. University education is a choice, not a human right, and tuition fees apply at 99% of universities in the world. Additional education, such as a second language, is also a personal choice not a right and so tuition fees also apply there in order to pay for things like overheads, teachers salaries and all the other things that goes in to running a school.

I appreciate your utopian view of how education should be, but you simply aren't living in the real world and applying your fantasy to reality and attempting to draw comparisons between the two is a fools errand.

#3 Parent Punisher - 2015-02-10
Re who's on first?

You like twisting around with words, don't you?

Of course, it is the taxpayer funding public education. In return, it is freely accessible to all, and even those with low incomes have a chance to study if they qualify for admission. What's wrong with it?

Maybe, you don't like that the general public, regardless of the individual income situatuion, can freely access secondary and tertiary educatio because then there won't be any market for ther funny "schools" like EF [edited]. It's fine if they go down the river as there is no need for these parasites of society!

#4 Parent Spector - 2015-02-10
Re who's on first?


It is in some countries though. I believe Education, much like Science, should be free to all, and not controlled by any one interest group.


#5 Parent Beth - 2015-02-09
Re who's on first?

What's not to understand? Education is never free and anyone who tries to promote this utopia of truly free education is a hypocrite if they are accepting a salary for teaching. If a teacher requires a salary, that salary must come from somewhere, ergo, education is not free it is being funded by taxpayers or by tuition fees.

#6 Parent San Migs - 2015-02-09
Re who's on first?

You took a salary whilst teaching, where did the money come from?

Don't quite understand here, of course a teacher takes a salary, or how do they clothe and feed themselves? As if by magic? You work, you get paid, simples.

#7 Parent Beth - 2015-02-08
Re who's on first?

Who mentioned lesson plans?

Oh right, nobody did. You are trying to compare two different things, as usual. Back under this name for 24 hours and the strawman army is already well under construction!

I said I don't understand why you are so proud of a reprint of a work that has been available since 2008.

It's good to know your fondness for aliases extends to the real world and not just to this forum.

And again, education is never free, somebody always pays. You took a salary whilst teaching, where did the money come from?

Education can happen anywhere where a good teacher is doing their job properly. Your view that this can only happen in state/public schools or free universities is completely blinkered, a throwback to your own school days and not in keeping with the modern world we live in now.

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