Return to Index › Chinese New Year 2015: The Year of The Goat
#1 Parent The Punisher - 2015-02-22
Re Chinese New Year 2015: The Year of The Goat

No, a woman is a man, and a man is a woman, China is an ESL paradise under the the leadership of a caring party, and EF is a fountain spring of quality education.
Many more dogs, crocs, monkeys, white or not, are needed to deech in China.
Because the muppet show must go on!

#2 Parent kang - 2015-02-16
Re Chinese New Year 2015: The Year of The Goat

A man is a man

#3 Parent kang - 2015-02-16
Re Chinese New Year 2015: The Year of The Goat

When in Rome, do as the Romans do.

#4 Parent San Migs - 2015-02-14
Re Chinese New Year 2015: The Year of The Goat

Ah, the Chinadaily, even Russia Today or Aljazeera with all their anti american rhetoric don't hold a torch compared to that rag. One wonders if all the journalists graduated from within the ranks of the CCP themselves.

Thanks for the link though.

#5 Parent lee van - 2015-02-14
Re Chinese New Year 2015: The Year of The Goat

Adultery is more of a moral than legal crime
By Liu Minghui (China Daily)


#6 Parent roadster - 2015-02-13
Re Chinese New Year 2015: The Year of The Goat

'family values'.

#7 Parent roadster - 2015-02-13
Re Chinese New Year 2015: The Year of The Goat

Foul language is inappropriate during the Chinese New Year.

#8 Parent Belphegor - 2015-02-12
Re Chinese New Year 2015: The Year of The Goat

Adultery you mean?

#9 Parent @#$% - 2015-02-12
Re Chinese New Year 2015: The Year of The Goat

Watch out that she isn't married cn law forbids dating outside marriage. happy cn day to all.

#10 Parent 123 - 2015-02-11
Re Chinese New Year 2015: The Year of The Goat

500 rmb that's 80 usd only.

pan - 2015-02-10
Chinese New Year 2015: The Year of The Goat

Thursday, February 19.

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