Return to Index › Re: Re NYT article "China Tells Schools to Suppress Western Ideas, With One Big Exception"
#1 Parent Fifi - 2015-02-12
Re: Re NYT article "China Tells Schools to Suppress Western Ideas, With One Big Exception"

Have a nice trip, David!
Keep us posted.

#2 Parent yu2fa3 - 2015-02-12
Re: Re NYT article "China Tells Schools to Suppress Western Ideas, With One Big Exception"

Strangers are those outside the "circle" of family, good friends and any other social network in Chinese culture. It's where the individualist mind has a conflict with an otherwise collectivist pattern of society.

Hahaha! You spent too long in China, they are master-exponents of the bleeding obvious hahaha! only joking. Jokes aside, it's good to see you unabashed and back in full action. Maybe I won't have time for further posts at the moment, but I will be sure to send you an 'Esther in China' pic to warm the cockles of your heart. However, if you send in a real corker(chunk of grammar maybe) maybe I'll squeeze in a reply before we leave.

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