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#1 Parent Spector - 2015-02-14
Re English teachers in China

Well 5,000 to some is better than nothing at all. The way it is going in the UK, even the bereft and jobless will be lucky to get any government handouts soon, unless you are a woman knocked up with kids or a immigrant from one of the former soviet stans or some far flung corner of our former british empire.I still maintain being an FT in China is better than being bankrupt and poor in the UK.

#2 Parent Fifi - 2015-02-13
Re: Re English teachers in China

Turnoi wrote to you

"You are clearly looking down on Africans, even on those who are much better educated than you are!"

I say to that: Having a formal education is a cheap way to attribute value to oneself, and a convenient "reason" to stop evolving. I would give a 2 out of 10 to Turnoi's compassion, and I would give you a 10, yufa. Never let anybody try to put you down because he spent years picking his nose over books containing the thoughts of others and studying some arcane rules about language instead of fully living his life.
#3 Parent yu2fa3 - 2015-02-13
Re English teachers in China

"Professor" anywhere in the world denotes a function within the academic hierarchy at university level. It is not a "title". A professor is the highest ranking job position in the academic world with the highest ranking on rhe salaty scale as well. Among professors, there is also a ranking of Assistant, Associate and Full Professor. They are names for academic job positions, no titles like those conferred by the Queen in the case of "Sir", for example.

All well and good, but what about the ragtag fleet of western professors who cast their anchors in Shandong province and work for as little as 5000 yuan? Trouble is that although some professors are qualified in theory; in practice they aren't accepted by western universities, so they have to set a course for the east or to Africa? Thought (hahaha! it's all nautical) I'd stick my oar in before I cruise out at 4 am.

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