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#1 Parent San Migs - 2015-02-28
Re That's unfair.

Well SM, even if you speak okay chinese you can still feel like a spare prick at a wedding. The trick is to not mind being ignored a bit.

Well, that is true. Glad to see you are enjoying your return trip. Is it a bit parky up there, the mercury has just dropped a bit in HK again, do you have a heater in your bedroom in your dotage? I hope you do. do keep posting your pics, a fascinating insight into life within a chinese family, I do wish more pics would be posted on here, of not just China, but whereever one finds themselves teaching english.

#2 Parent : yu2fa3 - 2015-02-27
Re That's unfair.

Well SM, even if you speak okay chinese you can still feel like a spare prick at a wedding. The trick is to not mind being ignored a bit.
You is right of course though,china is safer than UK.

#3 Parent San Migs - 2015-02-27
Re That's unfair.

As long as they haven't got some sacks of lime somewhere I would say you are alright. I dare say China is treating you far more nicely than the UK, and probably a lot safer there too, now am I right or am I right?

#4 Parent : yu2fa3 - 2015-02-26
Re That's unfair.

Haha!not a restaurant,it's at home . Thay yard won,t be able to hold actual wedding today though. You must know that,s the standard layout for a chinese house..or rather a standard one?

#5 Parent Punisher - 2015-02-26
Re That's unfair.

The dog meat they eat in that "restuarant" must taste wondertful. I wish I were there (bakring in the background)......

#6 Parent : yu2fa3 - 2015-02-26
Re That's unfair.

Sod vietnam get a chinese wife and family to give you cash and keep you in your dotage.big day tomorrow bu tonight the helpers get another free meal. Glad I wont pay for it haha!

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