Return to Index › My English School, Singapore - Advice!
#1 Parent catniss - 2015-02-27
Re My English School, Singapore - Advice!

Hi everyone. I've been offered a job with My English School SG - does anyone know anything about it? Not many reviews around. Thanks!:)

#2 Parent MikeK - 2014-09-20
Re My English School, Singapore - Advice!

I think I saw this school when I was in SG, but it looks like one of those training schools because there doesn't seem to be any form of accreditation listed on their web site.

It might be OK then again it might also be one of those glorified baby sitting training centre for pushy SG parents.

Is the 3600SGD before tax or after tax?

If it's before tax then you might end up with about 3000SGD
Probably liveable if you share an apartment.

Cost of living in SG is here

L-D - 2014-09-20
My English School, Singapore - Advice!

I've been offered a job with My English School in Singapore. Does/ has anyone worked for them or heard anything about them? Does anyone know if they're a decent company? There seems to be no discussion about them online, which is either a really good or really bad sign!

Also, anyone any idea of the cost of living in Singapore, would 3600 SGD a month be sufficient (to rent a room or flat-share)?

Thanks 8)

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