Return to Index › Re: Re "Hong Kong housewife jailed for six years for abusing young Indonesian maid"
#1 Parent Somebody - 2015-03-02
Re: Re "Hong Kong housewife jailed for six years for abusing young Indonesian maid"

The funny thing is that none of these three guys - Turnoi, Silverboy and San Migs, and all their various sock-puppets - live or work in China. San Migs tried to get a job here, but for some reason couldn't.

Yet they constantly talk about it. Reminds me of an AA meeting, where people constantly talk and obsess about something that used to be important to them, but that hurt them.

Kind of pathetic really.

#2 Parent mg - 2015-03-02
Re: Re "Hong Kong housewife jailed for six years for abusing young Indonesian maid"

No pun intended, but why you are not in your homeland with real and good women. Why are you
in Asia?

coz helike bad noodle.
#3 Parent Robert - 2015-03-02
Re: Re "Hong Kong housewife jailed for six years for abusing young Indonesian maid"

He won't tell you the truth, so don't waste your time on a troll.

#4 Parent jim - 2015-03-02
Re: Re "Hong Kong housewife jailed for six years for abusing young Indonesian maid"

Yep, lazy Filippina, Chinese, Thai, Indonesian girls. When will they learn that nobody owes
them a living? It seems "hard work" is an alien concept to them. They want an
"easy life" but expect others to provide it. What a disgrace they are!

No pun intended, but why you are not in your homeland with real and good women. Why are you in Asia?
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