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#1 Parent Dragonized - 2015-03-09
Re Beijing vs Shanghai

Spoken just like a Racist. Thank you for outing yourself :D

#2 Parent : yu2fa3 - 2015-03-08
Re Beijing vs Shanghai

If you don't get along with your fellow man and you're a bitter and twisted individual, it's a good get-out to blame racism for all your ills. Indeed it is not unusual for inadequates and the socially inept to champion the causes of downtrodden coloured people.

#3 Parent John O'Shei - 2015-03-07
Re Beijing vs Shanghai

He did indeed out himself not only to you and me, but I think that others worked some things out too.

We needn't say too much here, but the sad fact is that ESL attracts some right losers... If anybody tries to put me down on this board these days, I'm not really able to take them seriously.

#4 Parent Dragonized - 2015-03-07
Re Beijing vs Shanghai

Yes, you are right about that indeed. There are 2 kinds of racists on this board as far as I can see: The 1st type is the [edited] who want to absolve china and the chinese of any moral wrongdoing. They genuinely believe that their "superior" moral standing will help guide other races and tribes to a better place, and of course they do not like me or you due to the fact that we see through their con and how low their moral fiber really is.

The 2nd type of Racist though, was a bit harder to find though eventually he did out himself. You know who I am talking about. This type pretends to care about being Honest about the pitfalls and backwardness of China and the people who live there but ethically cannot provide any real solutions. He will also not treat any of the other posters in equal standing. Whenever you and I have a personal experience to share, he is right there to respond and Re-Narrate our experiences in a way so that our statements seem a bit weaker compared to his responses to what we have said. This kind of Racist has no conscience about stealing our ideas and making them his own. In reality, he does NOT care about the well being of me or you and will sell us out at a moments notice. It happened to me. Of course the entitlement mentality of being THE ONLY authority on defining what is good or what is bad about China is his modus operandi as well. He is merely sounds like he is fighting woodbine willie when they are both simply dignifying each other by responding to what each other has to say. The more they fight, the more they have a reason to stay here and toxify the forum atmosphere.

Keep in mind that both these people only care about their own opinion, they are both in retirement age, share similar faith systems, and have the same racial background. In the end, they have more in common with each other than they ever will with you, me, silverboy, or the beths of this world.

#5 Parent John O' Shei - 2015-03-07
Re Beijing vs Shanghai

Indeed. What's more, the genuinely racist posters are likely to be the ones that try to label others as racist if they dare to ever constructively criticize their beloved Zhongguo in any way.

#6 Parent Dragonized - 2015-03-07
Re Beijing vs Shanghai

Thank you for the support Silverboy I appreciate the response. As you can see there are already other posters feeling uncomfortable with my opinions and claiming I have obsessions and this and that. It goes to show you that the opinions of Racists need to be shot down.

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