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#1 Parent Dragonized - 2015-03-11
Re Beijing vs Shanghai

People like [edited] often convert to a major religion because of an underlying desire to obtain privileges from society such as admire, respect, idolization, and general credit which a man of low achievement such as he does not deserve. He is only comfortable if he is in a place where he can believe himself to be smarter than anyone else in his environment. In this type of setting, only he can what is truly better for these people. Since those around him don’t know any better, he absolves them of all moral responsibility lest it is something he approves of. He truly sees the Chinese as children, albeit lovely children who need guidance from such “wise” men as he. Nothing can be more insulting and dehumanizing as this kind of thinking. It is arguable the most disgusting form of racism that can be practiced, for it isn’t always blatant.

On [edited]'s relationship. If he really afforded her the dignity of being equal in intelligence and stature, he would not have engaged in the exploitative behavior of marrying her, being that they have a big age disparity. Instead, her would treat her more as a protégé and be her Mentor and role model, not take advantage of a much younger woman who for all we know at the time wasn’t even fully mature on a biological level. [edited]



#2 Parent Spector - 2015-03-10
Re Beijing vs Shanghai

It's like asking a farmer why he wasn't competent enough to grow his crops only to have him respond that you are bitter because you don't have a cow like he does :D

That is actually quite a good analogy for you, and perhaps one or two others on here. If you stopped to think about why you don't have a girlfriend or wife, you may find the answer deep down within, until then western men getting chinese girlfriends will continue to annoy you. I want my slice of the pie sort of reasoning, you want a slice, but you aren't getting crumbs even, yu fa mentions one good tip talk to girls as though they are just friends. Keep stabbing away and one day, yes one day, this could be you.....could

#3 Parent Dragonized - 2015-03-09
Re Beijing vs Shanghai

Thanks again for the support. I do not quite understand why on an ESL forum people need to make such a big deal about whether someone is married or single. It seems like just another strawman. The trolls try to attack emotionally so to distract from their own lack of intellect and intelligence. Quite hilarious! It's like asking a farmer why he wasn't competent enough to grow his crops only to have him respond that you are bitter because you don't have a cow like he does :D

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