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#1 Parent Fifi - 2015-06-17
Re: Re Where's Beth?

Come back, Beth!!!! Pleeeeease.
Your post made my day.
The "seedy six".... Priceless.

#2 Parent Beth - 2015-06-17
Re Where's Beth?

I quit posting because, as you guessed, i decided it was a complete and utter waste of my time!

I am a dedicated, professional and fully qualified teacher. The numbskulls on this board who think teaching is a means to an end are not worth my time or effort. I have only popped my head in now as a friend made me aware of this thread... And having taken a quick browse of the rest of the forum, I see nothing at all has changed!

The same tired nonsense and ranting. The same misogyny and casual racism. Thankfully it appears that it's still just the usual suspects posturing, pontificating and validating their own sordid opinions! Ho hum. I can only wonder how you're not bored of your delusions yet!

Re: The fake profile, no it was not set up by an ex colleague. LinkdIn wouldn't give me the ip as they said it was a breach of their privacy terms, they could only tell me that it was created the day before San Migs posted about it on here and that it was set up from an address originating "somewhere in Asia". Conclude from that what you will.

Anyway, going back to my lovely life now, happy to no longer have to witness the depravity, ignorance, archaic attitudes and dismal knowledge of teaching methodology being passed off as wisdom to people too green or too unprofessional to know better or to care either way!

To Somebody, FiFi and Yufa... Hope you're all well, you have more patience than me! Haha! Hope Esther is doing well and life is smiling on all of you!

To the members of the seedy six who still haven't got bored of publishing their ignorance for the wider teaching world to laugh at... To you I have only one thing to say.... *sigh*

AdiĆ³s amigos!

#3 Parent Somebody - 2015-03-22
Re Where's Beth?

I'd imagine that she rightfully decided that posting here was a waste of her time.

#4 Parent San Migs - 2015-03-19
Re: Where's Beth?

Prove it, I was in HK and still am.

If it comes back with an IP address in Hong Kong then you would have some claims, I've revealed that tidbit, SB was in Aus, I am betting the IP was dalian or a VPN used from there. Only beth could tell us either way.

#5 Parent Somebody - 2015-03-18
Re: Where's Beth?

iirc it was a former colleague of hers behind the fake profile,turmoil and myself had nothing to do with it.

iirc=if I recall correctly. Heh. You do not recall correctly. It was you or the SB.

#6 Parent : yu2fa3 - 2015-03-18
Re: Where's Beth?

It s right that you also should pose the question 'what's happened to our much-respected typhooness? Maybe we will never know. Maybe T made it a condition of emplyment as SwissHead teacher-'Quit the forum! 'Things can pan out strangely hahahaha!

#7 Parent San migs - 2015-03-18
Re: Where's Beth?

correct,iirc it was a former colleague of hers behind the fake profile,turmoil and myself had nothing to do with it.

#8 Parent just asking - 2015-03-17
Re Where's Beth?

Why she quit posting?

#9 Parent brent - 2015-03-17
Re: Where's Beth?

Good point Sir. But..if any1 can't stand the stress, better leave the situation. Nobody's perfect.

#10 Parent : yu2fa3 - 2015-03-17
Re: Where's Beth?

Hahaha! Not really Fifi, since T could never have been felt let down or betrayed by me. As for the prospects of losing Turnoi, I have never wanted that , and that is the truth.And using words of the bard if I can remember.I didn't come to bury T nor to praise him. The evil that men do lives after them,the good is oft interred with their bones, so let it be for our linguist hahaha! Only joking,sure he'll be back. And the noble sb? Yes he will be also.

#11 Parent : yu2fa3 - 2015-03-17
Re: Where's Beth?

Hahaha! Any Irish or Aussie in your bloodline? Whereas you deny hearing that you maintain that there's no proof of who did it.

#12 Parent brent - 2015-03-17
Re: Where's Beth?

Well, certainly T and SB tried to silence her by invading her privacy and even forged a fake profile of her on a website in Spain!

Never heard about that and there's not proof of who did it.

#13 Parent Fifi - 2015-03-17
Re: Where's Beth?

Tu quoque, fili mi

#14 Parent yu2fa3 - 2015-03-17
Re: Where's Beth?

Poor Turnois, San Migs, and Silverboy.

It's so easy to shut their voices down.

It could be in the words on Turnoi himself "It's iconic" hahaha! It's iconic after all the years and bloody battles with the likes of, Woodbine Willie- Kevin the conqueror -LondonGirl- Ian the good teacher- your goodself not least of all; none of you got his head on the platter as an offering to The King of GW's. No it was his two trusty ' leftenants'who turned bad, SB and Dragononized, who clubbed him to death and served him cold. Hahaha! only joking.lol

#15 Parent Somebody - 2015-03-17
Re: Where's Beth?

Poor Turnois, San Migs, and Silverboy.

It's so easy to shut their voices down.

#16 Parent yu2fa3 - 2015-03-17
Re: Where's Beth?

But...does she believe in democracy and freedom of speech and allow T, SB, SM voices to be heard loud and clear as it should be?

Well, certainly T and SB tried to silence her by invading her privacy and even forged a fake profile of her on a website in Spain!

As far as Turnoi is concerned, he was turned on by one of his own 'sniggering hyenas,' Mr Silverboy, who viciously put the boot in and silenced him, hahaha!.

#17 Parent $%%^ - 2015-03-17
Re: Where's Beth?

Oppose others views is fine, but shut down their voices and hate them for what they say is WRONGGGGGGGGGGGG.

#18 Parent brent - 2015-03-17
Re: Where's Beth?

I miss her views.
And the way she fixes the clocks of T, SB, SM, etc
Please come back, Beth

But...does she believe in democracy and freedom of speech and allow T, SB, SM voices to be heard loud and clear as it should be?
#19 Parent Fifi - 2015-03-16
Re: Where's Beth?

I miss her views.
And the way she fixes the clocks of T, SB, SM, etc
Please come back, Beth

just asking - 2015-03-16
Where's Beth?

Anyone knows?

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