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#1 Parent San Migs - 2015-03-21
Re Innovation

I agree about ringing a bell to inform a pedestrian. Much like skateboarders and those kids on those similar annoying contraptions I think they should not be on pavements and in public parks.

#2 Parent yu2fa3 - 2015-03-20
Re Innovation

Top gear presenter keeps shooting himself in the foot with his gaffes, he has even offended bicycle riders. Probably because his chainsmoking arse could never ride on level ground, let alone uphill.

I would give cyclists total priority on town roads but not on town pavements. One of the traditional courtesies seems to have become politically incorrect these days and that's the tinkle of the bell to inform the pedestrian that you're passing him on your bike. If you're having what you thought was a carefree walk it's very easy to suddenly change your position on the pavement- very dangerous.

Speaking of the politically incorrect, can you give your mate Turnoi e-mail and ask him when he's returning ,please? I'm all stressed up over his silence. If I e-mail him , I just get told "*uc* *f* so I don't know where I stand.

#3 Parent San Migs - 2015-03-19
Re Innovation

Top gear presenter keeps shooting himself in the foot with his gaffes, he has even offended bicycle riders. Probably because his chainsmoking arse could never ride on level ground, let alone uphill.

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