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#1 Parent San Migs - 2015-03-23
Re Beijing vs Shanghai

then hang on with the younger newbie pricks that are no better than glorified tourists.

Agree about the working class stuff, and won't be a grammar nazi, but I was a young newbie prick in China once and now consider myself enlightened...how long is your projected timeframe from when you naive newbie becomes older and wiser, I'd say anything from 2-3 years the fun wears off, and you?

#2 Parent Spector - 2015-03-16
Real Face of these Bigots

As per your request, would not expect one of drags anytime soon though, hahahaha

I'm a bit long in the tooth these days though, hahahaha, all good fun!!!

#3 Parent Dragonized - 2015-03-13
Real Face of these Bigots

No, I am not in my 60's. You can divide that by 2 and you will get my real age range lol. Also, I did some research and I found that soup kitchens are run by Churches. But since I do not adhere to any sect of the Christian Faith, and I have a job I do not need to use them. You are being mislead by the other poster who pretends to criticize a society he does not care about. This poster knows mandarin well, and he feels very Vain about it. He may know that my mandarin skills are on par with his, maybe even better so now he is going behind my back in oneupsmanship by making stories up about me. Should I feel flattered?

My "agenda" if you want to call it that is that I provide another side of the view compared to your side which is all roses and cheeky. Take it for what it's worth. If you really are a different poster and not yu2fa3 then you can also know that I have not made personal attacks against you on this forum. You can do well to respond in a courteous manner.

#4 Parent : yu2fa3 - 2015-03-12
Real Face of these Bigots

San migs is a good writer but under 40.dragon is abou turnoi's age,a yank.

Just shocked myself.with a name like spector you should look like this hahaha!can we have a pic of you and drags please. Lets not be shy chaps.

#5 Parent Spector - 2015-03-12
Real Face of these Bigots

I am not, but any clues as to who is?

#6 Parent Spector - 2015-03-12
Real Face of these Bigots

I hosted another poster San Migs 2 years ago when I worked in Amoy. Interestingly enough, he was posting under the moniker of C[edited]T[edited] earlier this year. Oddly, you also starting posting around the same time when SMGS was using the CT identity. Does manipulating someone sound like fun?

By amoy, I take it you mean Xiamen?

Not sure who this san migs poster is who you are on about, never met said poster I'm into my 40s.

Well we all manipulate....what's your agenda against the chinese for example?

#7 Parent Dragonized - 2015-03-11
Real Face of these Bigots

I have not doubt that there are good men who take care of their multiple wives and children. However, my post was not meant for a guy who knows these cultures better than I such as you to take too seriously as I was making a tongue-in-cheek jab at other westerners who think that they have it made because they married a woman from a foreign country they covet.

Some of the most racist men of European heritage I have had the misfortune of meeting were married to non-Caucasian women. I think on a very basic, ape-like level for these western men they believe in the: We have the eggs in your tribe! Now we do what we want with you!. They are unsuccessful at having a happy life and getting along with others in their own countries which affords people of all backgrounds a chance at success more so than other countries. This makes them feel inferior and even itching for vengeance. So when they do marry a non-western women they feel like they have a reason to be superior to the men from the tribe/ethnicity of where the woman was from. It is a Racist behavior, and it is something they feel like they are entitled to deny because they are married to a non-white woman.

However, I will say this. I have worked in central asia as well as the middle east. I have also interacted with men of your background. I do have to say that the Tribalism in your region is pretty strong. You excessive tolerance of letting Western Men do anything they want save drinking alcohol was experienced personally by me. Covering up for the Racism of Westerners is something that you have a vested interest in when it comes to doing business since you are closer in lineage to them and they also possess more wealth. People of your region view the existence of folks descending from East Asian lineage with suspicion and mistrust. You have no problem showing your Hate. To be honest, the door swings both ways and both sides are not in the right in terms of tolerance IMHO. But you show a rather quick tendency to call me a bigot/racist when the 2 posts you linked that was written by me was merely pointing out the Truth about 2 posters that for all I know you have never met.

My opinions on Afghan Warlords and Saudi Sheikhs was not all wrong. There are many of them who hate Americans. You can call me insensitive. I can call you intolerant. The world would not have made the progress it did to this day if everything was done in the ways of Afghan Warlords and Saudi Sheikhs. If you have a problem with that, then TOUGH.

#8 Parent Dragonized - 2015-03-11
Real Face of these Bigots

What's your point? I hosted another poster San Migs 2 years ago when I worked in Amoy. Interestingly enough, he was posting under the moniker of C[edited]T[edited] earlier this year. Oddly, you also starting posting around the same time when SMGS was using the CT identity. Does manipulating someone sound like fun?

But you told me a lot in this post.

#9 Parent Dragonized - 2015-03-11
Real Face of these Bigots

Hey all, the link I've posted has problems connecting to the wiki page. However, the same page at the bottom of the post does link to the Dunning-Kruger page. Cunning Linguist though has posted the link again, much to his credit.

#10 Parent Spector - 2015-03-11
Real Face of these Bigots

Not me...but let me guess, you taught in Amoy and are back there, or are considering it. Now am I wide of the mark?

#11 Parent Dragonized - 2015-03-11
Real Face of these Bigots

Spilling your seed on the ground
is not becoming of an asian american male in his 30s,

I didn't know you were an asian american male in his 30s

#12 Parent Spector - 2015-03-10
Real Face of these Bigots

I've breeded!

The thing is dragon poster (are you welsh by chance?), that the longer you leave it until you breed the more a bitter and lonely person you become. Spilling your seed on the ground is not becoming of an asian american male in his 30s, there must be something we don't know, yu fa is trying to understand and help, but until the cat comes out of the closet so to speak, he and I cannot possibly help you any further. Do you see what we are driving at dear boy?

#13 Parent Spector - 2015-03-10
Re Beijing vs Shanghai

Take for example Afghan warlords or Saudi Sheikhs with multiple wives (many of whom are considered underage by modern Human Rights Standards) will have successfully breeded many children by the time they have reached half your age (assuming you are retired by now). So by your "standards" of judging a person's character you belong somewhere on the totem pole of being below a Terrorist Sympathizer and slightly above lifeless shrubs.

I don't see what afghan warlords or saudi royals have to do with the discussion of two cities in China, or your inability to find a chinese partner, but it was interesting to read, dear boy.

Lifeless shrubs, be careful you don't inherit those from your parents in Newark, lest they remind you of the possibility of perfection, aim to emulate your father in all things young fellow my lad.

#14 Parent Khaled Al-Misri - 2015-03-10
Real Face of these Bigots

You mentioned bigotry in one of your posts. Bigotry includes the assumption of someone saying something unreasonable. I think that readers may find the same in many of your posts that you have made not only recently. There are some quotes below from your texts to illustrate that:

I do not quite understand why on an ESL forum people need to make such a big deal about whether someone is married or single. It seems like just another strawman. The trolls try to attack emotionally so to distract from their own lack of intellect and intelligence. Quite hilarious!


First, there is nothing hilarious to it if someone makes this topic an issue, although in itself it is pointless and does not say a lot about the person that is unmarried. Second, it does not necessarily follow that such a statement about an unmarried person really has the intention to “attack emotionally”. Third, it is also wrong to infer from that they “distract from their own lack of intellect and intelligence”. In my opinion, you are doing exactly that what you accuse that poster of.

Take for example Afghan warlords or Saudi Sheikhs with multiple wives (many of whom are considered underage by modern Human Rights Standards) will have successfully breeded many children by the time they have reached half your age (assuming you are retired by now).


Americans in general have the reputation of being insensitive to other cultures and of perceiving things that are alien to them in an ethnocentric manner. This may be an overgeneralisation that does not really apply in all individual cases; in case of your input, however, it does seem to apply. First, get your facts right before you make such a sweeping statement about “Afghan warlords and Saudi Sheiks”. They are not the only ones to “blame” in that respect; many men in the West have no problem to do the same, and often act irresponsably while “Afghan warlords and Saudi Sheiks” tend to take care of the children and the wives they had sexual intercourse with while Western men mostly do not. Poorer people who cannot afford to maintain multiple wives and bringinp up their children are discouraged and urged ti refrain from the same. This is one of the basics in Islam-based Law. Second, it is also unreasonable to only focus on Islamic-Oriental cultures in this respect. In many native cultures in Africa, polygamy was very common. If this was the case, the “multiple wives” and their children were not left to themselves but well taken care of.

This post has been made to simply state some basic facts, no personal offence intended. Neither is this intended to be a judgment for or against polygamy.

#15 Parent Dragonized - 2015-03-10
Real Face of these Bigots

Hey John, check out this link:


It pretty much describes the types of people we love to make fun of. The less one knows, the more they think they know. Since some people are too incompetent to understand the concept of understanding culture, knowing about dysfunctions of local people, teaching students useful information, and actually showing civility they resort to other means of showing themselves. To be blunt they think we share the same inferiority complex that they have, and our hostility towards them is because we don't have something they have. Well, what DO they actually have? In this case, it is not something that requires special skills to achieve indeed.

Here's an example of the hilarity which ensues:

Me: Please give rational, reasonable, and logical evidence that can be reproduced and replicated as to why your views in ESL are valid.

Bigots/GW's/Racists: [Sweating profusely and thinks: He doesn't like me because he thinks I'm better than him! But what am I actually better at?]{Stammers}: I've breeded!

#16 Parent John O'Shei - 2015-03-09
Re Beijing vs Shanghai

This is an ESL Forum, not a Brag-about-breeding forum. If you or the other troll's claim to credibility is that you successfully breeded, then there are plenty of people in this world who have you beat hands down. Take for example Afghan warlords or Saudi Sheikhs with multiple wives (many of whom are considered underage by modern Human Rights Standards) will have successfully breeded many children by the time they have reached half your age (assuming you are retired by now). So by your "standards" of judging a person's character you belong somewhere on the totem pole of being below a Terrorist Sympathizer and slightly above lifeless shrubs.

Dragonized, I f**king love you, lol.

Anyway, half of us are actually trying to not breed accidentally. It's easier than you think, if that twit really wanted to help Silverboy reproduce himself in sprog form, he'd get a needle and put holes in his johnnies, not give unwanted, unsolicited shit advice about how to play 'f**k-a-farmer' on this board.

#17 Parent Dragonized - 2015-03-09
Re Beijing vs Shanghai

I think you can re-frame your description of me. You are simply showing everyone how narrow minded you are.

This is an ESL Forum, not a Brag-about-breeding forum. If you or the other troll's claim to credibility is that you successfully breeded, then there are plenty of people in this world who have you beat hands down. Take for example Afghan warlords or Saudi Sheikhs with multiple wives (many of whom are considered underage by modern Human Rights Standards) will have successfully breeded many children by the time they have reached half your age (assuming you are retired by now). So by your "standards" of judging a person's character you belong somewhere on the totem pole of being below a Terrorist Sympathizer and slightly above lifeless shrubs.

If your best comeback to me is trying to distract from your own lack of qualifications and experience by painting me as bitter because I am single, then I almost feel sorry for you. You really don't know how funny you sound. You're making it too easy.

#18 Parent John O'Shei - 2015-03-08
Re Beijing vs Shanghai

1. Why would his sexual orientation be of any importance?

2. China isn't the only country that has nice women, you know?

#19 Parent Spector - 2015-03-08
Re Beijing vs Shanghai

I suspect drags bitter response to you is because he is without chinese wife and child. There might be a underlying reason for that, we should ask him, perhaps he is a batter for the other side, so to speak?

#20 Parent : yu2fa3 - 2015-03-08
Re Beijing vs Shanghai

On the contrary,you and him are kindred spirits and it is high time you both made up. You have identical beliefs and I dont knoe for sure but probably both retired an slightly set in your ways.He does appear to be desperate to get on your good books again. Do not make hom grovel.He clearly accepts that he was unintentionally to blame for giving out information on you. I will try and rason with you both-okay!?

#21 Parent Cameron Wong - 2015-03-08
Re Beijing vs Shanghai

I don't feel uncomfortable. You might be surprised if you met the person and then would certainly understand why I said something likle that. There are a number of people in Western countries being citizens of the same who have an immigrant background because their parents once moved there from another part of the world. Although they hold the same nationality like the rest of the community, they feel they are bit different from the majority of other citizens - think of Brits of Pakistani or Indian origin in the UK or French people of Algerian or Tunisian origin in France, for eample. It's a common phenomenon in hese nations. Some of them feel and/or believe the place and the culture of ethnic originn where their parents originally came from is "inferior" in a number of respects to that of Western nations where they are living. Some people even hate the place where their parents originally came from. That's very unusual - would you hate the UK or the US and their cultures because you are from there when you live abroad?

On this and other boards, there are few people from the West whom you might call "China romanticists". When they condemn everything in their native country of origin and praise everything in China,this is an obsession as well. A more balanced view might be to say what you like and/or dislike at home and compare to that what you find in a place like China.

I would always tell people if they feel discriminated to be proud of themselves, to accept themselves in the way they are and to look for things where they might differ in their strengths from others. This can help buildiung self-confidence and prevent that person from constantly comparing her/himself with other people. Instead, he/she would view him/herself in his/her iown merits and be aware of the potentials, strengths as well as the weaknesses to get a balanced view of one's own self. Someone obsessed with the dislike or even hatred of a certain culture/people certainly is unbalanced.

I cannot say more as otherwise I would have to relate to some infotmation that was given to me in confidence.

He just merely knows and understands more about the topics at hand and isn't scared of making a few people feel uncomfortable.
#22 Parent Dragonized - 2015-03-08
Re Beijing vs Shanghai

Hating predators and sociopaths who exploit others isn't "hating chinese". Are you saying that the Identity of being Chinese means being an anti-social, exploitative, and cheating person who cannot know what Love is?

Your post shows a lot about what is wrong with your society. You deflect the issues of injustice, corruption, cheat, and exploitation and attack the person's emotions. By doing this, you show that it is you yourself who do not like Chinese folk because you think all of this vice is perfectly okay. But I do find that in real life it is often the Chinese who hate other Chinese or people of Chinese heritage the most.

#23 Parent Spector - 2015-03-08
Re Beijing vs Shanghai

That could be said about a lot of cultures and societies, surely?

#24 Parent Spector - 2015-03-08
Re Beijing vs Shanghai

You seem to haver a special problem with them for reasons that may be hard to understand for outsiders, but it looks like some kind of obsession.

you are much nearer the mark on this point, than he will care to admit. There is rumour he fled many a job for being unable to get along with both chinese and western staff, but only rumour mind, I'll refrain from posting anymore until some other posters confirm said rumours.

#25 Parent John O'Shei - 2015-03-07
Re Beijing vs Shanghai

I can assure that is not the case... He just merely knows and understands more about the topics at hand and isn't scared of making a few people feel uncomfortable.

#26 Parent Dragonized - 2015-03-07
Re Beijing vs Shanghai

You and the poster I just answered have much in common.

I could not care less if you welcomed me back or not. You have no credibility. Never have, never will. You do serve as a great warning sign though.

#27 Parent Girondale Perpetuum - 2015-03-07
Re Beijing vs Shanghai

The matter is very simple: Some people seem to hate themselves and where they come from because of a self-identity problem. They should work on that to imoprove things for themselves. Period.

#28 Parent Cameron Wong - 2015-03-07
Re Beijing vs Shanghai

It is very obvious from your posts past and present that you seem to hate everything Chinese. You can hate certain type of people for what they are doing and how they behave, and you can perhaps hate institutions, traditions, and perhaps power structrures. To hate "the Chinese" is quite another thing; it indeed comes across as an obsession.

#29 Parent : yu2fa3 - 2015-03-07
Re Beijing vs Shanghai

Just don,t forget,all I did is welcome you back. Don,t forget also I,m not the snake in the grass ,the betrayer ,the fake, the evil-doer...hahaha, not the poster you have just answered. I,m sure he is as innocent as I.

If we cooperate this time around we could have a gayer relationship. Am I right or am I right?

#30 Parent Dragonized - 2015-03-07
Re Beijing vs Shanghai

Here is my response to you:

Dragonized, with all respect due to you - you obviously see a "white entitlement"
where there is none. All of us have our petception of China, the Chinese oand Chinese
culture -whether right or wrong. You seem to haver a special problem with them for
reasons that may be hard to understand for outsiders, but it looks like some kind of

What makes me an "insider" compared to "outsiders"? Who are the outsiders? This is a case of ME telling someone(1 individual) who is way out of their depth on a subject they know very little about to piss off because they have no authority to lecture me on these types of things. It would be like a non-native English speaker who studied English for 1 week and then going to England or the USA and telling native English speakers how to speak the English language. There is no "special" problem on my part, this is what you choose to focus on, and it makes you sound rather defensive. If I may ask, why are you so obsessed with finding anything that makes you feel like you are "outside" of things? Psychologically that would be called Projection where you judge others of possessing faults and/or insecurities that you in fact possess.

For the bit on Chinese vs. whites - the Chinese have a right to be proud of what they are as
individual human beings like any white person from the US, France or Spain.
Denying the Chineseness of a Chinese can make him or her a bit psychotic, and it is much
better to accept people in the way they are. For matters of behavior and what they are
doing - right ort wrong - it is an entirely different matter.

If you are not Chinese or of Chinese heritage, and you are White then this statement you made is indicative of entitlement in and of itself. You are not of this tribe, but you feel like you can be the authority on the standard of what makes someone Chinese or not Chinese. In a globalizing world people can have a foot in two or even several different cultures. Identities change, and new tribes emerge as signs of progress. There certainly is no "denying the chineseness" of someone on this forum, if anything there is what seems like a caste-like state in the mindsets of some posters especially the older ones of what you are born into is what you will be for the rest of your life. If an American 300 years ago can claim new tribal status as having descended from different lineages of Western Europe, then you certainly cannot judge someone becoming psychotic merely because of a label. Further, you might want to look at yourself and think if they will respect you enough to take you seriously. If anything, denying the CHANGE in a person rather than pigeonholing them under a LABEL will make them psychotic, and shows your own inherent Racism, no offense.

White is a colour like black, red, brown etc. That's all there is to it.

It is actually a lot more complicated than that. Even in modern academia the issue of Race as being genetically indicative of where people will go and do in life is still brought forth as an important topic. Race carries influence across many areas of life. You yourself are affected by the issue of race as you felt my post that was not directed at you to be important enough to respond to. It also after all is the foundation of justifying the superiority in certain aspects of western culture over asiatic culture as seen on this forum, and you are a beneficiary to that which is most likely why my post hit a nerve in you.

One last point: you sound like another regular poster on here who has for the most part posted under one name consistently for the last 8 years or so. I think you are covering yourself because of some things that happened a couple years back and you are hoping I do not see it is you. I do think that if you wanted to work out the mistakes you made, you are better off being honest about who you really are. A real, open discussion should contain honesty and you are not helping your own case by weaseling your way around.

#31 Parent : yu2fa3 - 2015-03-06
Re Beijing vs Shanghai

Hahaha! Not quite how I wanted you to take my post but welcome back anyway,dragonized.

#32 Parent Girondale Perpetuum - 2015-03-06
Re Beijing vs Shanghai

Dragonized, with all respect due to you - you obviously see a "white entitlement" where there is none. All of us have our petception of China, the Chinese oand Chinese culture -whether right or wrong. You seem to haver a special problem with them for reasons that may be hard to understand for outsiders, but it looks like some kind of obsession.

For the bit on Chinese vs. whites - the Chinese have a right to be proud of what they are as individual human beings like any white person from the US, France or Spain. Denying the Chineseness of a Chinese can make him or her a bit psychotic, and it is much better to accept people in the way they are. For matters of behavior and what they are doing - right ort wrong - it is an entirely different matter.

White is a colour like black, red, brown etc. That's all there is to it.

#33 Parent Dragonized - 2015-03-06
Re Beijing vs Shanghai

Lol...you of all people telling me what chinese is or isn't. White entitlement at its most blatant. But whatever, enjoy this board and all it has to offer you. [edited]

#34 Parent : yu2fa3 - 2015-03-06
Re Beijing vs Shanghai

Focusing on ancestors can mean nothing new to offer, but not merely mean that at all; especially this time of year this focusing on the dead can be the means of reinforcing the living families. In fact that is the case. All very positive I find.

#35 Parent Dragonized - 2015-03-06
Re Beijing vs Shanghai

But Chinese people will always focus upon their ancestors, where as western people just don't give a shit about it.

Focusing on your ancestors merely means you have nothing new to offer.

#36 Parent John O'Shei - 2015-03-05
Re Beijing vs Shanghai

We're all perfectly happy to insult the liars and the crooks of the ESL world and those that suck up to them. Even if that make us 'bitter.'

#37 Parent Somebody - 2015-03-05
Re Beijing vs Shanghai

Calling somebody 'bitter' is the most pathetic way of trying to destroy somebody's credibility.

Yes, it's almost as bad as calling anyone who disagrees with you a GW!

#38 Parent John O'Shei - 2015-03-05
Re Beijing vs Shanghai

Calling somebody 'bitter' is the most pathetic way of trying to destroy somebody's credibility.

A very classless Chinese way of doing things.

Some other tactics are very Chinese indeed... For example, putting somebody down for coming for a poorer, lower class (working class means nothing to them) family or background. Western people don't usually do that and in fact many of our successful and most celebrated people have quite a few 'rags to riches' stories to tell.

But Chinese people will always focus upon their ancestors, where as western people just don't give a shit about it.

Chinese wumao people may feel that their traditional culture is more noble and superior to ours. It actually was superior in a way, just a shame that the commies destroyed it all, hey?

Also, I'd rather be 'old and bitter' and then hang on with the younger newbie pricks that are no better than glorified tourists.

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