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#1 Parent Dragonized - 2015-03-28
Re re: a question of race for the GW's

The modern day concept of Race as in the classification of Caucasoid, Mongoloid, and Negroid was developed in the west. Unfortunately at the time Social Darwinism was also seen as a scientific, valuable asset to knowledge. The 2 were often tied in together, which created the concept of white supremacy. Thing is, the most progressive minds often stay in the place where the idea originates and works on changing things for the better. The people who still hold on to the outdated models of thinking will have a bigger chance of going and staying in countries that are closed off and cannot discriminate between what is considered "good" or "bad" by the standards of the west. This is how the brain disease of prejudice got spread in many countries.

Don't fret too much though San Migs. After all, the judges decided to elect a "mixed race" girl as the most beautiful in Japan. That in and of itself shows that there are people who are fighting like heck to change the mindsets of people there. Occasionally in the most closed minded of areas you may hear about things that give you the hint that there are a few who are the most open.

#2 Parent yu2fa3 - 2015-03-27
Re To Cunning Linguist: Is it THAT bad?

San migs is correct,the uk is finished. CL may be able to come up with some cipy and paste of wot somebody else says,bu if you have to live in the uk with the spitting immigrant dregs from europe you will know differently.

#3 Parent Curious - 2015-03-27
To Cunning Linguist: Is it THAT bad?

Is San Migs a bit pessimistic? I can't see that the situation in the UK is as bad as he describes it. Would appreciate reading your version, Cunning Linguist.

#4 Parent San Migs - 2015-03-27
Re re: a question of race for the GW's

True, we pushed them away and Australia and Canada became more America-centric. And for what, for the dutch to buy up our chemical companies such as ICI, and our steel


And yes, immigrants are flooding in. I suspect the dutch, french, and germans are rubbing their hands with glee at the demise of the UK, while they buy up all our industry and manufacturing. Churchill would turn in his grave!

#5 Parent yu2fa3 - tuscan - 2015-03-26
Re re: a question of race for the GW's

Yes you are right, it was quite a betrayal at the time how we turned our backs on our own kith and kin in those countries- and for what? Well, Europe seems to be emptying of all their immigrants currently; and they are pouring into the UK to get a better deal.

#6 Parent San Migs - 2015-03-26
Re re: a question of race for the GW's

Not meaning to argue but as part of the roman empire, i'd say there were already people of colour in the uk. where we slipped up is in failing to maintain good relations with places like new zealand, instead of getting stuck inside the EUSSR, we could have had employment visas for our youth in places like nz and canada, on a reciprocal basis.

#7 Parent yu2fa3 - tuscan - 2015-03-26
Re re: a question of race for the GW's

It's worth pointing out that any UK documents which ask your ethnicity, characterise -white- black- coloured or Chinese/Chinese -type Asians(look similar.) so Chinese are not thought of as coloured. Probably because they are easily assimilated by a mainly white population. But if you are Chinese-type you wouldn't use the coloured choice. What do you think?

#8 Parent yu2fa3 - tuscan - 2015-03-26
Re re: a question of race for the GW's

Some people in the West would not accept a non-White miss but the majority by far would have no problems with it.

In just a few years time the majority of folk in UK will be coloured anyway (they enter in their millions and breed faster) so that argument will be academic. I should imagine that one extra 'miss' will be 'the more the merrier' hahaha!

#9 Parent San Migs - 2015-03-26
Re re: a question of race for the GW's

Some people in the West would not accept a non-White miss but the majority by far would have no problems with it.

Well you are right there, but yes generally, by and large most people would have no problems with it at all.

I have been living in China for nearly one decade

As had I. And how was I repaid, with a F*****G 14 day Visa to visit my girlfriend, get my remaining belongings and say goodbye. In the end I just went travelling to Guangxi and left all my remaining posessions behind and did not get to visit my girlfriend, OK, that is not your fault, but I still maintain...visas will get harder to get in China, I know I am right on this matter, how do I know, because I have met more foreigners who used to live in China, and are now unable to get back there, thats bleeding well how!!!!

I speak fluent Mandarin

As do I and can even read some. I am still considering Taiwan (the enemy of mainland china, so they think!) over mainland china.Xenophobia under jiping is getting worse, and a man who considers that north korean buffoon and a russian dictator friends, is not a country under whose rule I wish to reside.

I am one of the rare foreigners owning a 10 years residence card. I call China home

Some would call you a traitor for that, but I say fair play. You played the chinese at their own game and won,more power to you.But many cannot even get an effing tourist visa, let alone a Z visa, or that elusive residence card. Even bill gates was refused!!!!

but no Chinese will ever accept this fact, they say "China is not your home" or "You will go back to your country soon" and so on all the time.

No, they won't.Let's see how Macau, an SAR (so not fully part of china quite yet!) treats foreigners. In the news just recently, non-permanent residents are entitled to government handout of 5,400 patacas a month, so roughly the same in RMB. What welfare do non permanent residents get in the mainland, well, us old china hands all know the answer to that one?So all this waffle that FT's are better off than chinese is utter nonsense, no permanent visa, no welfare, no double salary bonus at chinese new year, no car/house if you sign a contract. They may earn less each month, but they get more by going through the "hou men" and dinners and gifts and perks and playing the stock market and tutoring outside their stable government teaching job etc etc

I own 4 training centers, 2 apartments and one house in this country. More than most of every Chinese.

I'd wager you came to China with your own money. Sounds expensive to me.

Either way good luck. I know I come across quite bitter, but I am done with the place. No commie government is going to dictate to or hold me any longer. good luck in china with your family.

#10 Parent White Chinese - 2015-03-25
Re re: a question of race for the GW's

Some people in the West would not accept a non-White miss but the majority by far would have no problems with it.

It always makes me laugh whenever immigrants to countries like Canada, UK, OZ, NZ, France, Germany or most of Western Europe complain about racism. Obviously they have never experienced true racism. True racism is institutionalized, it is subtle but hurts a lot, it is worse since people truly believe that they are right and that this is the only way to see things.

I have been living in China for nearly one decade, I speak fluent Mandarin and I am one of the rare foreigners owning a 10 years residence card. I call China home but no Chinese will ever accept this fact, they say "China is not your home" or "You will go back to your country soon" and so on all the time.

I own 4 training centers, 2 apartments and one house in this country. More than most of every Chinese.

Racism is commonplace yet I love my other half and my life here, I have no intention to leave.

San Migs - 2015-03-23
re: a question of race for the GW's


Would a lady like this have to defend herself in any western country? Why are mixed race people forced to always have to defend themselves in places like China,Japan and South Korea...it is beyond me. A island nation that simply does not accept foreigners, despite many foreigners having lived there for 10 years or more, disgraceful. I say vote with your feet.....

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