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#1 Parent Rheno747, B.A., M.A., PhD, Hard Knocks U - 2006-05-17
Hey, DB - Teachers Discussion

Hey, DB. I've been wanting to get up to Kunming. I know Air Asia offers flights there from Chiang Mai in Thailand. Do you know much about that area? I'd love to go.

As far as the enviornmental 'problem' goes, I can say I've definitely noticed it. This is because Thailand's pollution, from garbage on the ground, to diesel-soot-belching buses and trucks, is impossible to miss. My friends and I have talked about this problem and why it is 'allowed' to fester in a Buddhist country such as the land of Thai. Well, we believe the reason is the version of Buddhism here is a very shallow version. It's not like the Buddhism you'll find in Tibet, Nepal, China, or India.

Another explanation for Thailand being a garbage pail is the Thai people have the 'lazy' gene turned to 'dominant'.

#2 Parent DB - 2006-05-16
Hey Rheno - Teachers Discussion

Hey Rheno........Nice to know you're still kicking around and made the wise choice to hang out in Thailand despite the difficulties. DB is a new nom de plume for me here, but we've communicated before. As for why so many of us take the choice to hang out in China.....hmmm, can't say for sure. But as far as the weather goes, I avoid the north and the brutal weather there. Hanging out in Yunnan or Guangxi in the south west is hard to beat weather wise; although, Guangxi can get pretty damn hot and humid. Beyond that, even though the salaries are low, it's pretty easy to save enough to travel during the down times. If you ever have the opportunity to travel, I'd recommend either Northern or Southern Yunnan or just about anywhere in Guangxi. My next trip in Guangxi will be to the Vietnam - Guangxi border with a brief foray to Vietnam thrown in. Aside from the great scenery and weather here it's also very interesting in terms of minority cultures.
One thing that plagues me, and perhaps you can comment on, is the pollution and downright disdain for the environment I've seen when traveling in Thailand. Not that it doesn't exist here, but it's interesting to me that the obvious political power that Buddhists enjoy in Thailand is seemingly not manifested in the least as environmental awareness or consciousness. I once wrote a paper in college called "Buddhism and Environmental Consciousness," and my research at that time led me to believe the contrary - that indeed Buddhist leaders in Thailand did wield their authority in that direction. But when I was there I saw no evidence to support that.
Well then, keep on keepin' on Rheno.

#3 Parent Rheno747 - 2006-05-16
Hey, Bob. - Teachers Discussion

Hey, Bob. Believe it or not, there ARE good things about Thailand. The weather is one.

I'm nearing the end of another contract, and may sign another one someplace while I wait on a visa to go through. The main reason? The weather.

I don't understand why people will go to a place like China, make a mediocre salary, and put up with the winter weather. There are better places.

Same goes for the 'marginalized' (designated losers) who live back in the US. These guys will work for minimum wage at some dead-end job, pay 3 bucks a gallon for gasoline, rent an apartment with roommates, and STILL endure the bad weather.

Good weather goes a LONG way in my opinion. After enduring some cold-ass winters back home, I can say it's been nice living in the tropics. I'm kinda dreadin' going back to those temperate climes. If I return to the US of A only to find dull, uniteresting employment, I'll return to the tropics.

#4 Parent uncle bob - 2006-05-14
yeah but... - Teachers Discussion

Rheno mate - youve always made a point about Thailand... but... as the Monty Python boys said.... always look on the bright side of life tee tum tee tum tee tum tee tum....

...you might have unmotivated students, unscrupulous employers and unhygenic natives but Thailand has so much to enjoy as well...

... why not tell us about the good times you are having... or is it really that bad...?

... in which case i dont believe you...

#5 Parent Rheno747, B.A., M.A., PhD, Hard Knocks U - 2006-05-14
"At least not the "illicit" kind", said Lilly - Teachers Discussion

Well, the big names in drugs want you to do all you want, as long as those drugs are from corporate America. So what if they're even more dangerous than the "illegal" varieties? Lilly's stockholders want you takin' prozac, not heroin.

One would be taking anti-B's here in Thailand, the land of unclean hands. Unclean hands that always manage to touch my food, utensils, plates, cups, bathroom door knobs.......Yeah, Bob, it's STILL a filthy place.

#6 Parent Raoul Duke - 2006-05-13
Or at least be carefuller - Teachers Discussion

At least don't do _those_ drugs. Yeesh.

The fish guy is just out to snipe...the last refuge of those with nothing truthful, substantive, or relevant to say.

So, what the hell. Go for it. It makes no difference.

#7 Parent uncle bob - 2006-05-13
hey kids... - Teachers Discussion

... dont do drugs....

#8 Parent Raoul Duke - 2006-05-12
Well, isn't that special... - Teachers Discussion

Wow. Hmmm. Whatever. I dunno, man, you took down the degrees after your name and I'm not sure how seriously to take you any more.

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