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#1 Parent San Migs - 2015-04-12
Re re: interesting article on vice about disney

Thanks for your detailed reply, firstly.

You don't get any respect as an oral English teacher in China, both students and the staff despise Foreign Teachers, not only in training centers but also at schools.

True, that said I usually believe you can meet the odd friendly chinese teacher at a public school job.Despite myself detesting FAO's as racist and arrogant know it alls,I honestly believe some of the chinese teaching staff can be nice and friendly, they may also be as pissed off with teaching as you are. But yes, ultimately, they are Chinese and for them it is an iron rice bowl. We get the short end of the stick, sadly.

Usually, the richer your students, the more disrespectful they are of your class, your work and you.

Very, very true, and this is even worse at TC's imho.Most of them only go their because the parents are paying, and a have secure job through "guanxi" or in their parents company upon completion of studies.

In China people with enough money can simply pay to pass or buy their degree, they don't give a f*ck about education and especially about Foreign Teachers who are expected to be funny or allow the students to do other things during their class. Any attempt to teach will be met with "idontgiveafuck-ism" and any attempt to enforce authority will result in the FT being blamed by the managers since the students paid and the customer is king.

Blame the cultural revolution for this one. It is rooted in that, when students were able to beat and humiliate their teachers. The link below is also interesting:


the only places where you will find motivated students (not always true) are public schools and universities.

Too true.You do get some good students in the public places, but not many. The ones I did have I remember with fond memories.

Now the question is whether or not should foreign teachers give a fuck, I know some who don't prepare anything, go to class, sit at the teacher's desk and tell the students that they can do their homework as long they keep quiet, some students come and chat, most sleep or do their homework, it's a win-win situation since the students don't give a damn about FT's classes anyway, no student ever complained to the head teacher.I might start doing this since most classes that I teach couldn't care less about my lessons, why even bother.

Very good question. I used to only have one class on a monday morning at one public job, they would all turn up tired, demotivated, so I'd either just show a movie or mr bean clip, or let them do homework/sleep and the ones who do want to ask some questions/talk to do so, mostly they'd just sleep, play on phones, or do homework. As you say, why bother?

#2 Parent martin hainan - 2015-04-12
Re re: interesting article on vice about disney

Most of what you say is true.
Yet every classroom where you share time with students is an opportunity for a learning experience, even if it is only your own.
If your classroom is in China, no doubt your students have been inculcated to the point of abuse on a variety of levels. Effective teachers are always propagandists and provocateurs; in China teachers must also be palliative. Students arrive stripped of initiative, self-respect and joy.
At the very least you can share your disgust with the institution that you both temporarily inhabit.
Your defiance, personal strength, and other independent values that choose to display will certainly be disconcerting to your students, and perhaps for a few: inspiring.

#3 Parent David Dilley (was yu2fa3) - 2015-04-12
Re re: interesting article on vice about disney

You don't get any respect as an oral English teacher in China, both students and the staff despise Foreign Teachers, not only in training centers but also at schools.

Usually, the richer your students, the more disrespectful they are of your class, your work and you. In China people with enough money can simply pay to pass or buy their degree, they don't give a f*ck about education and especially about Foreign Teachers who are expected to be funny or allow the students to do other things during their class. Any attempt to teach will be met with "idontgiveafuck-ism" and any attempt to enforce authority will result in the FT being blamed by the managers since the students paid and the customer is king.

No one gives a damn about education in China, the only places where you will find motivated students (not always true) are public schools and universities.

Now the question is whether or not should foreign teachers give a fuck, I know some who don't prepare anything, go to class, sit at the teacher's desk and tell the students that they can do their homework as long they keep quiet, some students come and chat, most sleep or do their homework, it's a win-win situation since the students don't give a damn about FT's classes anyway, no student ever complained to the head teacher.

I might start doing this since most classes that I teach couldn't care less about my lessons, why even bother.

You should always prepare well for your lessons and do your level best, even if it means(or doesn't) getting through to that one little student or studentess out of a class of 40. If you are not a precious fragile little flower it won't affect you at all if your class and the Chinese staff are contemptuous of you in spite of your good attitude. As long as the school/company pays you on time and your lodgings are okayish, you can leave your lessons each day with a gay whistle on your lips. Don't worry if you get any complaints launched against you- just smile sweetly. As long as you don't get the sack it doesn't really matter. Don't get yourself all angry-be a cool geezer/dude.

#4 Parent Whatever - 2015-04-12
Re re: interesting article on vice about disney

You don't get any respect as an oral English teacher in China, both students and the staff despise Foreign Teachers, not only in training centers but also at schools.

Usually, the richer your students, the more disrespectful they are of your class, your work and you. In China people with enough money can simply pay to pass or buy their degree, they don't give a f*ck about education and especially about Foreign Teachers who are expected to be funny or allow the students to do other things during their class. Any attempt to teach will be met with "idontgiveafuck-ism" and any attempt to enforce authority will result in the FT being blamed by the managers since the students paid and the customer is king.

No one gives a damn about education in China, the only places where you will find motivated students (not always true) are public schools and universities.

Now the question is whether or not should foreign teachers give a fuck, I know some who don't prepare anything, go to class, sit at the teacher's desk and tell the students that they can do their homework as long they keep quiet, some students come and chat, most sleep or do their homework, it's a win-win situation since the students don't give a damn about FT's classes anyway, no student ever complained to the head teacher.

I might start doing this since most classes that I teach couldn't care less about my lessons, why even bother.

San Migs - 2015-04-08
re: interesting article on vice about disney


Interesting article, and a warning for those who may decide they want to wear a blue shirt and work at a TC. Avoid them,avoid, avoid, avoid!!!! Only work at a public job that can get you a Z visa, end of story!!!

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