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#1 Parent David Dilley (was yu2fa3) - 2015-04-22

What makes you so sure this hunter and killer poster is this filipino beer drinking bloke?

Have you asked the mods to check the IP address of the hunt and kill poster. Bear in mind it could be moot....might be using a VPN, as do many on here.

Listen, I still wish the very best for you. I have spent hours and hours telling you you can turn things around and make it. I hope to hear one day that you have done just that. This has to be my last post for a very long time as I have so much to do and not much time to do it in. Filipino? and all this time I had you down as Boltonian. The very very best to you.

#2 Parent Tuoxie - 2015-04-22

What makes you so sure this hunter and killer poster is this filipino beer drinking bloke?

Have you asked the mods to check the IP address of the hunt and kill poster. Bear in mind it could be moot....might be using a VPN, as do many on here.

#3 Parent David Dilley (was yu2fa3) - 2015-04-20

He can't be to much of a brute if he snagged a young woman like in the pic. He must have changed his ways though to some degree recently. I am not 100 per cent sure the girl in the pic is SB's, just a calculated guess, I have narrowed it down to three or four women, all popular young models in Chao yang area, where SB was often seen in the past ."A popular fashion model, formerly from Wuhan" is the gossip going round the social scene here, and "wealthy 40 something ex teacher and model from Australia". It sounds like him, but possibly is not, as some people have said he is still in Vietnam. If I was a betting man though I,d say it is him. Would need a picture of them together to prove it though.

I joke about SB and pull his leg, but I'm not interested in tracking him down- somewhat criminal to say the least, and you shouldn't waste your time on the Internet in such a negative fashion.

As i said before , San Migs, I won't be blackmailed. Why you exposed my name is a mystery. Why Turnoi after receiving info from you is running around claiming my wife left me in Thailand and I worked there is bizarre.

#4 Parent hunt and kill - 2015-04-20

He can't be to much of a brute if he snagged a young woman like in the pic. He must have changed his ways though to some degree recently. I am not 100 per cent sure the girl in the pic is SB's, just a calculated guess, I have narrowed it down to three or four women, all popular young models in Chao yang area, where SB was often seen in the past ."A popular fashion model, formerly from Wuhan" is the gossip going round the social scene here, and "wealthy 40 something ex teacher and model from Australia". It sounds like him, but possibly is not, as some people have said he is still in Vietnam. If I was a betting man though I,d say it is him. Would need a picture of them together to prove it though.

#5 Parent David Dilley (was yu2fa3) - 2015-04-18

Your wife is different - she wants to be flattered sometimes and expects you to show that you love her and care for her. It keeps a marriage alive - unless you were a

You see, there you go, Turnoi. You regard wives as so muddle-headed, insecure, and downright stupid that they all need to be flattered. However, I don't put you in the same league as Brutus SB. You must admit, he's a bit of an animal in regard to women? It's best you come to me for advice about how to treat women-you know it makes sense! Where is that loveable rogue anyway? He needs to mend his ways as far as you are concerned. Have a gay weekend, Turnoi.

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