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#1 Parent John O'Shei - 2015-05-04

I'd actually say that it's more like:

1. Safer food.

2. Cheaper, more easily available whores.

3. Better quality drugs and people still treating their foreign monkey features as a novelty.

Not dismissing what you are saying, but in reality the needs of the average newbie ESL teacher are rather more basic indeed.

#2 Parent Guangxi insider - 2015-05-04

The thing is, there are better places to live and work, and many foreigners are choosing Thailand again. China really has nothing to offer nowadays. Better food, women, and a real culture elsewhere, that is what a lot of laowai are saying. Other Asian people also laugh when you tell them you live in China. Real friendly people in other Asian locations.

#3 Parent San Migs - 2015-05-02

I agree except for the shenzhen part, in shenzhen it is easier to leave China proper, much harder in the cold north.

#4 Parent John O'Shei - 2015-05-02

You don't usually win prizes for putting up with various kinds of shit in Mainland China (in most cases) and if you feel that you can do better for yourself elsewhere, there's no shame at all in doing just that.

Some foreigners in China like to point the finger at other foreigners, accusing them of failing to adapt to the local culture, not being able to handle the environment in China.

Multi-cultural adaptability is indeed a desirable attribute for those who wish to work overseas; but there's a huge difference between being culturally savvy and being a bit of a sado-masochist that is all too eager and willing to eat shit. Besides, we're merely talking about ESL here, not higher calibre industries and professions that would actually give you extra respect for handling those tougher postings.

A good example of this kind of behaviour: Many younger foreigners seem to love to laugh at those that like to work in the more developed cities, such as Shanghai, Beijing, Guangzhou, Shenzhen etc because they are apparently not experiencing the 'Real China', BUT... these people ain't 中国通/Old China hands or whatever... They're just petty little wankers from middle class backgrounds with a poverty fetish.

#5 Parent And this statement from someone who lived and worked in mainland China (and presumably by your logic also betrayed their country) for 10 years! You're - 2015-04-24

And this statement from someone who lived and worked in mainland China (and presumably by your logic also betrayed their country) for 10 years! You're just bitter that you can't find a decent job and dress this up by stating repeatedly in other posts using different aliases that HK and Taiwan are not China - as if this convinces anyone. But if saying these things makes you feel better about yourself, so be it. While you are whinging and moaning about everything, most of us are just getting on with daily life.

BTW - the toxic milk scandal was an individual act by two brothers with the connivance of one of the executives at the milk company. The two men were executed and the woman executive got a long prison sentence.

Pakistan also receives foreign aid from the UK.

Whole gulf of a difference of being refused a visa through no fault of my own, and the xenophobic policies of a madman who is inspired by, and desires strongly to emulate Mao, and take China back in time to the 1950s, instead of moving it forward progressively in line with the rest of the world. They have been warned about manipulating their currency, and IP rights for years yet...they still continue to do it. You can take your ten years and shove it, I will erase them from memory, no desire to go back to that abysmal and dismal place....the only good thing is I learnt some Chinese which will serve me well in Taiwan or somewhere else like that. China does not have a monopoly on it's language, or it's ex FT's.That place has no hold over me, none at all, nor does it care about foreigners at all, chew you up, and spit you out, that is the Peoples Racist China!!!

Prove to me that Taiwan is a part of China, you cannot, it's own flags, stamps, armed forces, laws....I would say that is a country to me. Even HK, despite all the mainland rhetoric, it's own internet domain, police force, laws, freedoms (for now!).Whinging and moaning??? You had your own visa troubles after stopping teaching and do not deny that you did, you are just as much a foreigner as I am in China man!!! I am also getting on with daily life, have friends,and do what I need to do thank you very much.Perhaps you are annoyed I am still in Hong Kong, instead of going back to the UK, for whatever reason that is. You have refused to email me in person, so I am afraid you will just have to get used to the odd response from me on here. You yourself have posted saying you are busy and won't come back on here at least a couple of times, yet you still do. I can only presume your business is not doing so well with all this free time you seem to have to post on here, but I could and probably am wrong about that aspect.

Individual act my arse. The factory workers KNOWINGLY put the toxic crap into the powder, and kept quiet because they were getting a salary, they were implicit in the corruption. In any civilized country, that would be considered malfeasance. In the law in Taiwan, they would all be jailed, some of them like supervisors possibly facing execution for malfeasance/lying under oath.

China is not giving foreign aid, they are developing Pakistan for their own strategic interests. But yes, you are right, the UK is stupid enough to give Pakistan foreign aid, despite their treatment of women and disdain for the west.

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