Return to Index › BBC article about Hong Kong: Toddlers prepare for their first big interview
#1 Parent Tuoxie - 2015-04-25
Re BBC article about Hong Kong: Toddlers prepare for their first big interview

But this also happens in maoist China too and is very profit driven. I would execute all DOSES or bar them from returning to their homelands if they manage or open a training centre in mainland China. This is malfeasance, pure and simple.

Curious - 2015-04-24
BBC article about Hong Kong: Toddlers prepare for their first big interview

Getting into good schools or universities is tough in many parts of the world, but in Hong Kong the pressure begins earlier. Often parents try to get children into a good kindergarten - and before that, into a good nursery. So there are now classes preparing toddlers for that all-important nursery interview.
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