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#1 Parent San Migs - 2015-05-07
Re The hidden side of American history

I do, so, anyway///////

#2 Parent Somebody - 2015-05-05
Re The hidden side of American history

Yawn, indeed.

#3 Parent Rotten Cabbage - 2015-05-05
Re The hidden side of American history

Does the mean you actually care?
Ask that waiter in the Fishburger restaurant......LOL

I could care less.
#4 Parent reel - 2015-05-05
Re The hidden side of American history


#5 Parent reel - 2015-05-05
Re The hidden side of American history

I could care less.

#6 Parent Somebody - 2015-05-05
Re The hidden side of American history

Eurotrash: Self-aggrandizing Europeans who condescend Americans, yet consume massive amounts of American culture and appropriate it as their own.

Ah, one of my all-too-common blindly bigoted compatriots. They are so embarrassing.

May I ask why you left the oh-so-perfect US of A?

By the way, 'condescend' is not a transitive verb.

#7 Parent San Migs - 2015-05-05
Re The hidden side of American history

Operation Paperclip, WATCH:


Nazis helped the Americans with many scientific research post WW2.

#8 Parent Rumble Fish - 2015-05-05
Re The hidden side of American history

Let's see:

Missiles were invented by the CIA and not by Werner von Braun, working originally under the nazis.
The car was invented by American cowboys who had lost their horses and not by German engineers of the 19th century.
The telephone was invented by Obama and not by Sir Winston Churchill in Downing Street.
Banknotes were invented by American Jehovah Witnesses and not by the Chinese who exported this invention to Europe.
Last not least, Hollywood made Florida alligators become vegetarians, it was not the European polar bears in Rovaniemi, Finland.

Self-aggrandizing Europeans who condescend Americans,
#9 Parent reel - 2015-05-04
Re The hidden side of American history

Eurotrash: Self-aggrandizing Europeans who condescend Americans, yet consume massive amounts of American culture and appropriate it as their own.

#10 Parent San Migs - 2015-05-04
Re The hidden side of American history

Not to mention Hawaii which still has the british flag as part of it's own flag. Alaska was bought back from the Russians, but really should be part of Canada, shouldn't it? Didn't they also steal some land from Mexico? Interesting yet ironic how they fought off the yoke of british colonialism, to only become colonizers themselves.

#11 Parent reel - 2015-05-04
Re The hidden side of American history

leave alone the land of the free and home of the brave.

Twice shy - 2015-05-03
The hidden side of American history

Yes that's what I said American history. In the last forty years or so things have come to light. Of course when the people who are responsible are long dead and legal reparations are not available the truth comes out.

Everyone knows about the Native Americans tribes that were pushed around by the early migrants to the New World and the land deal swindles that occurred but there were far more insidious things that are documented. During the 1800's the government of the Unites States had decided that they had enough of Native Americans and there was an actual move to genocide all tribes out of existence. Not enough that their land was seized, stolen, swindled out from under them it was time to kill them off. If I could I'd give the entire country back to them: billions of dollars, property, all of it and God help the rest of the people living there.

During the first world war the Unites States government promised all American soldiers that if they'd fight in the war they would be given land and money afterwards. This was reneged upon by Woodrow Wilson. The soldiers camped out on an island on the Potomac near Washington D.C. with their families as well in protest. Wilson ordered troops in to kill all of the veterans and with them the families. Not told until a few years ago.

During world war 2 after Germany began systematically slaughtering the Jewish people the United States sat back and did nothing. It was not until Japan attacked Peal Harbor that the U.S. entered the war. Also the real reason for the Japanese attack was never told. Japan wanted to harvest the oil in the Marianas islands just south of them. The United States told them no they could not have it. This is what provoked Japan to attack the U.S.

The Chinese migrants who worked on the railroads and other developments in the early days of the United States were treated like animals. Near Reno, Nevada and San Francisco, California the Chinese lived with their families in little shanty towns. In both places they were attacked by mobs WITH police and the places they lived were burned to the ground and many were murdered because of this women and children as well.

It's nice that the United States likes to point the finger at other countries when atrocities arise but it's own honesty is absolutely non-existent and in actuality never existed. Peace.

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